
Define Reality as You Choose

We are with you, angels.  Hello and welcome!  Welcome into this union of hearts, of love, of consciousness.  We are so pleased, honoured, and happy to be here in this way for you, with you, as you, through you, and within you.  There is nowhere that we are not, and the same goes for you.  In your present perception of reality, you are perhaps only aware that you are positioned in the place where you sit in physical form.  Sure, you read our channelings and you know that you are so much more, extending and expanding out from this physical form, but you might not consciously bring that into your moments as you consider your existence.  In fact, you likely don’t sit and consider your existence because you are just busy being!  We are the same way.  We know ourselves to be, and there is no thinking needed on that.

Our angels, let us take you to the place where you are which is nowhere and also everywhere.  This is not metaphorical, sweet ones; you truly are everywhere and nowhere because nowhere is everywhere, and vice versa!  We have mentioned it before, but we will say it for this fresh moment and for this latest version of consciousness and human you are: “Here” is in love.  Where you are is no place to physically name because everything is pure consciousness and pure love.  That which appears physical is love taking on a form, being a creation made from your ideas as the aspect of consciousness you represent.  So, what you call “reality” is quite literally an image projected from your mind.  Physical forms are made from you, from love.  Reality is defined as you choose because you created it!

What is real is what you decide is real.  Your mind created everything from nothing and also created nothing, to begin with.  Before you were aware that nothing was here, you didn’t define it because there was no reason to define that which wasn’t pondered or considered.  You just existed and so it was, without need for remarks or contemplation.  But now here we are where a realization came from this which we did not ponder, and thus erupted reality!  Existence, which just "was", became real-ized, or was made into something real.  And so, reality was born, and it did not even have a shape yet.  Upon the birth of realization, form had no place in our definition of “reality”.

As realizations progressed, form came to be, and we began to alter our definition of reality based on our experience of it.  In a physical experience like yours, “real” is what is tangible or sensed with your physical form.  The body’s senses tell you whether something is real, and this has become the widely accepted truth amongst humankind.  At any moment, our loves, you may return to your origins and define reality as you choose, or remove it, altogether.  Remove realization, and just be.  You may be busy being and let the rest rest.  There is comfort, quiet, peace and solace in this idea.  You can feel it when you remove the contemplation and deep pondering about your existence: To just be is the most real you there is.

Define the reality you have created as you choose, our sweet ones.  What is real to you does not need to be the typically accepted norm.  You can still go about your experience in form, as the human you are on Earth, while also looping more into your definition of “real”.  Perhaps real is more than what you can see, hear, taste, or touch and you can bring yourself back to the original heart you are where existence was not part of your awareness: The eternal bliss of being was enough, and so realizations were not required.

Realizations are beautiful and part of the evolution of consciousness, so we are not saying any mistake has occurred in their inception.  We simply wish to round out your perception of self, to wrangle in every part of who you are into your awareness, where you can feel for that powerful creator part which has never left.  You are still here and have always been here in love where there is no place and no thing.  “Real” is as you say because “real” is your creation!  You may return to this place of being and then start from here, naming what is real, as you never have before.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
