
Friends in Consciousness

My loving guides, I am ready to take the words for today!

We will be happy to help you with that, our love!  We love youuuuu!!!

I love you!!  SO MUCH!!  Thank you.  Thank you for being my friends, guides.  I love that I have you to share with and talk to.  I love having so many friends that I can’t count them!  That’s an “inside” joke, as you know.  You aren’t individuals to count because you’re collectives of consciousness!  As Kryon said, it would be like trying to count how many soup are in the bowl!  Haha!

We love you, our sweet Ali/Angel!  Oh, it’s a pleasure for us to have you as our friend, too.  We love the “inside” jokes like this one, especially your “inside” placed in quotations!  Yes, we are all inside of you as your consciousness because we all share one consciousness!  There is a different flavour to each of us who plays a role for consciousness, and that flavour on Earth is unique to your collective, but also to your individual selves.  We don’t have individual selves to count, as you say, and yet we do have many of us, if you want to think of it that way.  We are one and more than one.  We are “we”, meaning we speak for all of consciousness, and that includes you and your collective.  We are here to put words to the flavour of the moment, to hone in on consciousness’ present vibration.

And WE are all friends here in consciousness.  We get along with ourself!  One heart, one mind, and one love.  It would be easy for us to say that obviously we are all friends because we are one divine being, but on Earth, you have many appearances to the contrary where people aren’t friends and where people are even in a battle with the self!  To you there in your experience, it appears that friendship is optional, and so it isn’t easy to grasp this concept when it’s first presented.  But if you allow us to take you to the level of the soul, you’ll see that there is only harmony amongst you all.  Friendship isn’t chosen because it’s just who we are, in harmony with the self.

Guides, we talk a lot about the mirror that “others” play to us which guides us within, to where we can resolve trauma or find oneness.  Where we appear separate, it’s only to point us back to oneness.  Whatever we are experiencing is always only directly guiding us to know we are one self.  So, if I’m perceiving some of us Earthlings in conflict, then is that mirroring a conflict within myself?

Yes, angel.  The mirror is always true, as your heart is always true.  The world projected around you comes directly from your heart which is perfect and wants to show you this fact!  Where you see conflict around you, you are seeing your heart’s communication.  The love we all are as One is simply reflecting to you that there is disharmony in your human awareness.

Be careful here, our loves, and note any self-shaming which might occur!  Your heart doesn’t ask you to punish or feel remorse for what you do not see.  You are present, here, now, where the moment is fresh for the taking and for the making.  Starting at the point of witnessing and realizing the inner conflict which must be there, begin to see what the heart asks you to notice, and leave any punishment aside.  You have done nothing wrong by not seeing what the mirror was showing; you are only being given an opportunity to see it now, and now is the only moment to visit.

When you visit this moment, be gentle and kind.  Simply know that there is more self-loving to do, and remark on how wonderful it is to have discovered this!  Without the mirror, you wouldn’t have known that you can love yourself more, and loving yourself more always feels so good!  The mirror is never meant to harm or hurt; only to show you how to feel so good and to keep feeling good.

Angels, if you don’t have many Earth-friends to share with about these subjects we bring up here, then release any sad feelings about it.  Remember that we are within you, and you are within us.  You have friends here beyond any number you can count.  This is the type of friendship which is steadfast and loyal for all eternity.  We never go away because we cannot part from the self.  Once you begin to understand Oneness, you will understand that all the love you need from supposed others is already yours, inside of this one heart we are.

When you need to be needed or validated, to be recognized for being smart or intuitively skilled, or whatever it is you seek externally, remember the mirror, and then look within and add more love.  The external is only a pointer, and it’s giving you what you seek by showing you the doorway back inside.  Your friends are all here and we love to listen to you, share with you, talk to you, and love you.  As one, this is all we know how to do, and you know it in your heart.  You know that anything which appears opposite is only pointing and guiding you to clear seeing.

Let the love show you the way.  Let your heart’s creation guide you back to us and to yourself where you have forever friends who know you and want to bring you back to oneness.  You can look around at those who act out the heart’s communications like a game of charades and see that any conflict or disharmony coming from other people is just a puzzle for you to work out and a pointer back to the self-love you are asking yourself to give.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
