
Love's Clear Mirror

Our hearts, our loves, our sweet angels of the Earth realm.  Hello and welcome!   We are here and we are you.  We are with you, and we ARE you.  There is no separation between us, and we share the same heart, all of us and all of you!  You share one heart of consciousness with us and with each other.  We all come from the same love and so we have the same agenda to love, be loved, find love, be love, and create love.  

Everything we do is about love and for love because it is what we are made of.  There are appearances on your planet of Earth which suggest otherwise, and quite dramatically, at that!  You may be at peace and in stillness in your heart about these matters of apparent opposition to love’s design.  Love is all there is.  Love runs the show.  Love is weaved through every situation, circumstance, and physical thing whether it feels, thinks, and breathes, or not.

Thinking, feeling, and breathing are love’s creations, too.  Thoughts come from consciousness.  Actions come from consciousness.  We are of one heart and mind and these thoughts and actions are ours.  No one is separate.  We must claim all aspects of love as our own, even those which might repulse or disgust us.  That feeling of being disgusted is also a feeling of love.  Your feelings of fear and anger are feelings of love.  Love weaves through all we think, feel, and do.  You might have difficulty deciphering how but stick with us and we will take you on a journey of internal discovery where you can know it’s the truth.

If you want freedom from confusion about love, then dwell inside of your heart because it’s the one heart of love which we all share, and it knows all!  Compassion will get you there.  Understanding is clarity.  Clarity frees you from fighting love.  When you reject love and define things as something other than love, you are in a state of conflict and friction with yourself, and it feels confusing and painful, sweet ones.  Love is clarity and acceptance and so when you are confused or in rejection, you are the opposition you perceive externally.  When you are confused about what love is, you oppose it and become the opposition yourself and this friction is cause for suffering.

As love, you may be love and accept everything as love.  Accept it within you because it is all yours.  That which you perceive to be outside of yourself and represented in another being is YOU like a reflection in a mirror.  The mirror doesn’t need you to study the reflection; it’s asking you to look upon the source of the reflection.  Turn your seeing back into yourself and own what is reflected in your mirror.  Without the mirror, it is just you here.  The mirror is only there to remind you to bounce back to you and leave the reflection out of your looking.  Look only into your heart and not into the mirror.  Let the mirror remind you, but then leave it be.

Angels, clarity of reflection is found in your own heart.  The clear mirror is the one which you reflect on within.  Be the mirror.  Absorb all which looks at you and then own what is appearing and peering into you.  You are the mirror, divine ones, each one.  As the perfect and clear reflection to the external world, you can be the reflection others will love and accept as they own it within themselves.  There is one heart, and it has many ways of reminding itself when it has forgotten that this is true.  Stay intently focused on it and you will be clear here.  It’s all love, it’s all yours, and you can be the mirror for consciousness as it comes to recall the one heart we are.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
