
Recall Memories of Visits to Other Planets and More

We love you, our Lights of Earth!  Hello and welcome into this meeting of hearts, our beloved ones.  We are so pleased to have this sharing of hearts here with you, in being.  We will express our love to you in all the ways we know you will understand, depending on where you are on your journey.  We love to express our love, and we will find every way we can to do it whether it’s here in words, or out in your reality as you go about your days!  We will find a way into your reality and fit in with the way you are perceiving your experience.

If communication is physical to you, then we will interject in physical ways as much as we can.  However, we will also bring your attention to the feeling part of you to draw you up into the next phase of your journey where you aren’t yet perceiving reality.  We are guides, so we are here to find ways to point the way on your selected path.  You are in an experience where memory does not serve you consciously, and so you have asked us to drop hints about that memory so you may recall it in your own way and your own time.

When you are ready, you will begin to receive glimpses into other lifetimes, the design of your divine plan, astral travels, visits to starships and other planets, and more.  When your being reaches a receptive mode, bits of information will be revealed by your higher self which you may use as you please.  If you wish to ignore the information and believe it to be a fantasy of your mind, then you may!  Sometimes, these glimpses feel like dreams or stories your mind makes up and so you question their integrity.  This is where being ready comes in, our loves; you can choose to believe these flashes or thoughts are true memories, or you may believe they are just fantasies.

In these instances, call on your guides!  We will lead you to that feeling place in you where you may decipher for yourself whether these visions are truth or fiction.  We will ask you to use your intuition.  There isn’t one being on Earth without this ability, but it may just need some coaxing forward.  This is why we are here.  If you are out of practice with using your intuition, then it will be our pleasure to shine a light on it with you.  On the other hand, if you wish to recall subconscious memories, we are here to help you with that, too!  Intuition is also required here: These memory recalls must be brought of your own accord, and so you will receive only what your higher self deems necessary at this point on your path.

Take the information you receive in your perceived reality and use your intuition to guide you on what to do with it.  If it feels fun to believe that a vision, dream, or fantasy is a memory of another lifetime or a trip to another planet, then explore it!  Your feelings and intuition will tell you when the memory is real because details will come more easily than they do when fantasizing.  Other more personal signals will make it clear to you and you will know whether it's truth, whether your mind is inventing a trigger for the real memory, or if your subconscious is providing metaphors to guide you through a scenario in your experience.

Trust yourself, be your own guide, and let us show you how.  We are here to show you the way into your subconscious memories and to help you sort through them.  These recalls are always delivered when they’re needed but also when you are ready.  So, use your intuitive skills to show yourself what messages are trying to get through.  There is always a message whether it’s from us guides wanting to let you know we love you and we are available, or from your higher self who wishes to show you a memory.  Either way, information is constantly coming to you in your reality, so when you believe a subconscious memory is being recalled, get in touch with your intuition and you will come to have trust and confidence in your own discernment.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
