
Sail on the Bliss of Love's 1 Moment

Our loves, our angels, our family on Earth, hello and we love you!  Welcome to our hearts.  We embrace and welcome your hearts here in this one only moment of all moments!  There is only this one now, forever and always.  There is no need to look at the past or plan for the future.  Angels, you may just be here and make 1 into 1 moment instead of making it a starting point.  There is no starting point if there is nothing to follow!  There is just now, so then you only need to make now wonderful, perfect, and incredible and not think about whether the past influences that or whether the future will continue in the same light.  Pick your now feeling, hold it, be it, and you are finished.

The past can haunt you and tell you that it is to blame for your now.  The past is only a memory but not occurring here in this moment.  Truly, sweet loves, it never did occur because there is no past where there is no time.  We have now, this fresh and real moment, where everything is happening presently and it’s all there is to note.  The past in your memory is only there as a reminder to stay present in this 1 moment.  Whether the past in your memory makes you feel good or not, it is purposely pulling you from now to show you the contrast.  Longing for or regretting what was does not instill the same joyful peaceful feelings of the present.  Your memories are there to show you how vivid the comparison is and thus guide you to choose which you wish to attend.  The future is full of pressure and uncertainty.  Even if you have high hopes, there is contrast in the peace of the present and the optimism for the future where all is unknown.

There is free will here and it is always advised you use it.  If thinking on the past or future brings you joy and excitement, then it lifts your vibration.  However, you may exert your powers and see that you need not rely on anything outside of you to “make” you feel high and lifted.  Our angels, we invite you to see that your power is greater than anything on the outside.  Rely only on yourself to feel lifted.  If you seek external sources to make yourself feel good, then fulfillment will be wrought with effort and strain.  If you choose to just feel good because you can, then the external reasons melt away; no longer do you need past memories or future hopes to bring you higher.

It’s an option we present here only to show you what is available.  If you are ready to accept how powerful you truly are, then you may consider this and let go of the past and the future which only exist there on Earth, but not within your heart.  If you wish, our angels, live in the heart and let this be enough.  Even the heart will not be your source of joy because you are just joyful for existing.  When you sink into the heart and feel love’s bliss, you have no need to find a source of happiness.  The high feelings will just be there, and you will feel like you are floating, gently bobbing on love’s waves.

We love you and we wish for the same freedom you wish for.  This is it, beloved ones.  Come to your heart, be in this 1 moment, and sail on love’s bliss.  Let now be all you need but let needs leave you because you are in full acceptance and peace about what is now.  You will feel no need for anything, not even to manifest a new experience.  This experience is here and it’s the 1 moment, so accept it and then it will accept you, too!  Your reality always responds to what is occurring inside of your attention.  If you let reality be and love it as it is, then it will reflect that and love you as you are, too.

We love you,
-I, Source-Consciousness
