
The Disappearing Now

Now is the moment, my angel.  Now is the moment.

Burel, as fast as I see our 3:23, it’s gone.  Even now isn’t held.

No, now is never held!  That’s why you need to be at peace with it... because as soon as it arrives, it leaves.  If you find peace with the disappearing now, then you are always at peace.

BUREL – 10:23:23 there when you were saying that!!!  And – gone.
Gone, Ali.  Here/Gone at once.

What does that mean?

It means to let it go.  Even Let Now Go.

Wow.  So very strange.  We are so used to living in moments and even holding onto THIS one that we don’t understand how it can’t be now!!  There must be a now – a moment.  It’s so confusing, my love.

It can be, Ali... but it can also be beautiful!!  Isn’t it better to have no now?

No now?  How?  Haha!  What are we doing?

We are not doing, angel – we are being.

What is being?

Being is free of moments.  Being is free to move.  Being doesn’t do.  Being is breath.  Being is always an inhale.  To just be is to be free.  To be is to not notice now.  To be is only noticing being.

That’s brilliant!!  I’m getting the message then to just let it all go and be.  You would think the simplest thing to “do” would be the easiest – where there’s nothing TO DO... but it’s the hardest thing!!  How do I be?  That seems like a ridiculous question because I already am being!!  I complicate it when I ADD MORE to it!!  There’s no need to add anything because I am being without doing anything to be!  I just am!!

Very good, angel!!  And – we let that moment go and we see that it wasn’t a moment, and neither is this one because moments don’t exist where we are just being.

So interesting.  I struggle with how to fit this way of being into the “doing” life I live.

What is the doing in your life?  Isn’t it also filled with being?  You cannot do anything without first being.  So, you are adding doing and making being into something more than it is.

But I need to do to be here.  I need to do things like eat, work, rest, etc. to survive.

You don’t need to do those things to be, though.

So, then I just sit here and be and the body dies and that’s it?

Doing, my angel, is also being.  To be is to be natural in whatever experience arises in the being.

Now this implies that being is an experience, but isn’t an experience filled with moments which don’t exist?

Your Earth experience is only filled with moments because you believe it is.  You can release moments in your Earth experience quite easily because they aren’t really there.

Wild.  Then I just flow with being, letting moments dissolve, and letting nature run things?  I think I feel it, but I need to dive deeper into the heart here.  There are no moments here on Earth.  I am.  I exist.  I experience.  It’s here and gone at the same time and all that’s left is me being here which is the most important thing because it’s all I am!!  Adding more to that, making more important, is unnecessary for me to be because I will be even if I don’t add anything to it.  OK.  I get it now.  I do.  I can just be and not take any of this seriously or add to it because I’ll be even when I’m not in this experience.  So, while I’m in it, I can just be and let it be!!

Beautiful, my love!  I love you.
-𝔅𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔩 & 𝒜𝓁𝒾
