
The Heart's Employees

Sweet loves, the divine keepers of the Earth plane, hello and welcome!  We see you all as Mother Earth’s caretakers, and we see you all doing a beautiful job in that role.  Your minds want to wander into pollution and other such planetary abuse, but we will bring you gently back here within to your hearts and show you that we are not talking on a physical level here, beloveds.  To be the caretakers of a planet means to be the overseers of all which occurs on a vibrational level.  Mother Earth has a heart chakra just like you and this is not a physical thing.  On an energetic level, you are all connected to your planet through the heart because the planet is a member of consciousness just like we all are.

Our loves, your connection to your planet runs deep.  There is a love here which transcends physical reality, and it is the same love we all share as one heart.  We are connected in this way, and we may meet each other and communicate through the heart whenever we choose.  The focus of attention is sometimes drawn outward into the physical reality, but if your soul has plans to guide you within, deep into the heart, incentives will be provided.  Your unfulfilled wishes and desires will lead you into the heart because the heart is communicating to you that all of these wishes are granted within it.

If you feel there is anything you lack, this is purely imagination.  However, the feeling is provided as one of these incentives we mentioned; when your search in the physical world is exhausted, you always find your way within, even if it’s the last resort.  Within contains everything you believe you need, and it is speaking this truth to you any way it can there in your physical world.  If your attention is focused outwardly, the outer reality will act as the heart, doing the deeds asked of it.  Your outer world will become a mecca of signs and symbols and it will do the heart’s bidding, filling your surroundings with inspiration to go within.

Communication with consciousness occurs here in the heart chakra.  Join us and let’s have a chat!  Talk to your heart, talk to your Mother Earth’s heart, and then listen with your heart!  The physical voice and ears aren’t required for this type of communication because within, the heart is the voice and the ears.  Replies will not always arrive within you as words, so be on alert for the feelings and be prepared to describe them in your own words.  Once connected in the heart, physical means of communication are set into the background.  Remember, the focus is within, so the heart will hold your attention here once it has it.

Take cues from your outer world and determine whether they are guiding you within.  We will categorically state here and now that it is all guiding you within, even if it doesn’t appear to be that way at first glance.  It’s up to you, sweet angels, to decide to respond to the heart’s employees there in your physical reality.  Your whole world works for your heart, and it is in constant communication, so dial in and connect.  Your heart is waiting and so are we all.  We love you!

-I, Source-Consciousness
