
The Storm of Creation

Hello, angels.  Here, in the calm centre of our hearts, is the eye of the storm.  The calm centre of stillness is here and available in all moments, and in all elements of reality.   The storm is the reality playing on around you, and that includes every other planet and universe of creation, but beyond that, too.  In the centre, we remain as the one calmness, letting the experiences of our consciousness play on all around us.  We can dip in and choose any experience within that storm of creation, or we can move back to here where we are just being without any assistance.  You need no help to be because this is who you are.

Consciousness chooses many experiences within the storm of creation, and it may be aware inside of all of them at once.  You, being aware of your past, your story, your present identity, and everything you expect to come on your path, are playing out an experience for consciousness.  You, as consciousness, picked this story and you also picked this specific timeline within that story to claim as your own!  Consciousness is being everyone in every experience in this moment.

You, the one we speak through and to, are aware of the one life and one timeline within that life, and you make that the most important and real to you because consciousness is choosing to make it that way.  Consciousness lives through all of us, right now, in the past, present and future.  Time is but another element of creation like water and fire.  Consciousness is living out experiences filled with elements while also staying put in its calm centre.  The calm stillness is also exploring its own beingness within the bustling activity surrounding it.  Consciousness dips in and chooses the elements of its creation, and this is how you are there with your perception of all which surrounds you.  You are consciousness, being.

Angels, you may perceive your existence in any way you choose because you are consciousness being and consciousness exploring.  You may choose to believe that consciousness can only be aware within one experience at a time, and thus, make it your reality!  There is no limit to the options presented to perception and it’s this way because consciousness is this way, beyond limitation!!  If you feel in the moment that consciousness may only be aware within one experience, then the concept is birthed and explored within you and thus created.  The elements of creation are integral in procreative design.  Your body is made of elements, as is your mind, but you are also consciousness and so you are in a process of creating through the body you inhabit.

Be wherever you wish to be.  Dip into any experience within the storm of creation.  Choose one or choose them all at once.  You are consciousness.  You are free.  You are limitless.  Perceive in any way you please because you are consciousness exploring its own creation.  You may also return to the calm centre if you choose and feel for the peace before choosing to dip back in again.  You are free!  You are THE creator.  Perceive and be aware wherever you like and let yourself know that the power is in you to claim identity with the experience of the moment, or to let it all rest and just be present in the centre.  The choice is yours and it is now.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
