
You Are Love's Perfect Echo

Sweet loves of Earth, our angels, our friends, our family in the stars!  We live in the stars with you, our loves.  WE are all here, all part of this vast universe we call “Creation”.  There are many solar systems, not just your own, and we are spread out as consciousness across all of them.  Some of us call planets, stars and moons our homes, and some call “love” our home.  Those of us speaking to you here are pure consciousness, without a physical body or home.  We call Love our home because consciousness is love and this is where we are, in being.

Without the universe of creation, there is only being love, and so we have no location to name or pinpoint on a map.  There is no map of consciousness.  Love isn’t a place or thing; it’s a feeling.  So, here we all are as pure consciousness, you and us together as love, located in love!  We are all in love with love and with each other because we are one divine light of consciousness above it all, above all of this vast universe of physical creation we have made together.

Look now to our beautiful creation and recognize that the feeling of love has created it all.  Out beyond your own solar system, there are other galaxies and other universes within other dimensions!  Love is limitless, and so creation is limitless!  Everything Love creates perfectly emulates itself.  Love is vast and far-reaching, forever expanding and growing bigger and wider, and so then its creation echoes this behaviour.  Our physical worlds continue to grow and expand, emulating love so perfectly.  WE are each love’s creation, and so we emulate it in the same way, always growing and expanding ourselves.  We are in a constant state of motion, change, evolution, growth, and expansion because love is.

Feel this now and then shower accolades upon yourself for how much you have grown and expanded so far.  Recognize within yourself the perfect echo you are to love and then understand how and why you are constantly changing.  You are amazing, sweet angels of Earth.  Each of you has overcome insurmountable odds.  Each of you is on the journey of a hero, being like love, growing and evolving as it reaches to expand itself further, wider, and more deeply.

Every aspect of being human is emulating being love.  Every aspect of being who we are as the voice of consciousness coming through to you now is also love’s echo.  We are all simply being love, by nature, and so we can let ourselves go and let love move through us in its perfect process of evolution.  Feel what you feel and know it is love.  Nothing is not love.  Begin to recognize it all this way and see how it is in a constant state of change and transformation.  Each of you is in a process, echoing love’s way of being, and you may accept that in yourself because you accept that love is in this process.

There is no need to tame, calm, or control your big passionate feelings, angels!  Love is expressing through your human being.  You chose to be human so you could feel these big passionate expressions of love!  Allow these feelings to come forward, to rise to the surface, because this is where they come to light to be resolved, released, and thus, transformed.  Holding them in only prolongs and suppresses love’s evolution and expansion, so release, shine, and let your love out!  You are Love’s perfect echo, by nature, and so is all of creation.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
