
Forming a Bond with Your Guides

Sweet angels, our beautiful Earth family, hello!  We are with you.  We are here and with you now and it’s always this way.  You can reach out to us or reach in for us and it makes no difference because we are here, wherever “here” is for you!  If you take your planet to be your physical location, then you may ask us to visit you there.  We know that you aren’t anywhere but here in this shared heart of ours, this heart of consciousness, but we won’t let semantics get in the way.  Nothing can deter us from forming a connection with you.  This bond we share transcends time and location, our loves, and we are loyal to it.  You can’t say or do anything to send us away; we are right here with you, and this is always true.
We come when you call, and we will show you the way to your real location in your heart.  You want our help with finding your heart right now, so many of you, and this is very exciting!  You are awakening to a wider and more complex view of reality, and this means you are expanding your consciousness as a species.  You are evolving and we are involved.  Actually, you can think of this evolving as “in”volving because it is about making that journey into the self.  It’s ok if it isn’t easy at first because this is what we’re here for!  We came to be guides to your heart, and it’s easy for us to find numerous ways to do so!  We know you each intimately because we know your heart, and so we know exactly how to talk to you and what will best get your attention.
It’s up to you to make the payment for this guidance, angels: Pay attention.  Give us your attention, give your external surroundings your attention, but set the intention to look for the guidance being brought forth.  There is personal guidance here within and around you, tailored and customized to you.  Your external reality begs of your attention and payment is requested to the left and right of you and everywhere you look.  Set the intention now to give your reality a different kind of attention.  Watch for signs, our loves.  Imagine what signs you’d most appreciate and then stay alert for them.

It’s important to us to help you find your heart, and so if we can first establish a connection with you in your perceived world, then ask and help us to strengthen this bond.  You pay attention and you purchase signs and communication from your guides!  Remember that we are open to all creative ideas you might come up with to establish this connection.  You can ask us to show you imagery in your mind, to visit your dreams, or to come to you through the people you interact with.  Nothing is off limits for us guides, so be as creative as you please, and we’ll work with you.  We know your heart, we know what communication you respond to best, and we will oblige in any way you say.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
