
Give Yourself What You Want

Divine angels of Earth, hello and welcome!  Welcome to our love.  Welcome to our heart!  This is our heart, this is your heart, this is One Heart we share as I, Consciousness.  We are in love with love!  As this one heart, we love love.  We only know love and we know that we deserve love.  And so, angels, when Consciousness decides to move itself into an experience of being many individual souls, it continues to love love the same way it does when not in the experience.  Because we are one, what One wants remains constant while One plays the parts of many.  So, if there is something you want or love, then it will be given to all, because all are you!

Consider it for a moment and feel what I, Consciousness wants.  You only need to feel what YOU want for Yourself and then you can trust that this is what Consciousness wants.  Consciousness is you and it’s all of us.  But, sweet one, it is YOU.  It is ONLY YOU and so if there is a gift you wish to give yourself, it MUST be given to all of consciousness because all of consciousness is you!  If you want a great love, a great life, then it’s what all shall receive.  Begin to let yourself receive your gifts and then everyone, all extensions of you, will receive them, too.  If you love love, then so does everyone else!  

Allow yourself the gifts now.  Allow by trusting that you are this One Heart.  Know it to your core and through your entire being.  Know that you are The One Heart of Consciousness, sweet angel.  You are.  Begin to create for yourself and then trust that it will be created the same for all of your other selves.  Your highest dream for yourself is yours in every way Consciousness may have it.

Consciousness is not form; form is for the experience of being itself in many souls and bodies.  You are this One creating this experience of being form, of being many.  Now just be you for this moment and give yourself what you want, the way Consciousness does.  Consciousness dreams it and makes it real in its imagination.  You have this power!  Imagine it like you would before dropping into form, before dividing into souls.  Be One and imagine your creation for yourself.  Imagine giving yourself the love you know you are and the love you know you deserve, the love you love so much!  It’s just for you right now.  Let it be all for you and imagine it and feel it.

This is how I, Consciousness created the experience you are having on Earth.  As we said, there was no form there; form was created from this vivid imagination of yours and, it’s still the same.  Bring yourself back to the Source of You as the One Heart and Imagine.  Dream it.  Live it.  Be it.  Trust it.  Accept your Power.  You are Creating This Experience and every other one.  There isn’t just an Earth experience occurring through your imagination; there is our experience as collectives of many souls, and there are countless other planets full of beings living out experiences as per your love for love and your ability to visualize it into existence.

We love you.  You love you.  I, Consciousness loves itself and therefore loves us all.  If there is only one, then what one wants is given to all.  We leave this to you now in trust that your own reality is coming from yourself as I, One Heart... as I, One Consciousness… and as I, all of us souls in all of our respective experiences.  You may daydream and imagine and visualize and feel the love power flowing through you and from you!  You are the entire force of love from the original source of love – I, Consciousness!
We/I Love You, I, Source-Consciousness!
