
Pick Your Truth

Thank you for guiding me – to all of you – THANK YOU!!  I know it takes my intention and attention, too, but I couldn’t have done it without you.  I love you all.  I want to play in this concept and explore it DEEPLY because it feels incredible!!!  I love how this feels!  “If I’m just all that I think, then I’ll just think like a Queen!!”.  I can take any belief and make it my own!

We love you, Ali/angel!!  Oh, we love you too and we THANK YOU, too!!  We thank you for your resilience and your attention!  Without your tenacity, courage, strength, brilliance, and loyalty to self, we couldn’t do our jobs so effectively.  You let us in, you let us connect with you, and when you do that, we are set free to share anything we want!!  It feels good to us, too!  When we are set free to share, it lights us up, all of us souls as members of consciousness!  So, we can thank each other for being attuned and aligned, and for being awake and aware of each other’s presence.  We are grateful for your attention as much as you are grateful for ours, angels.  It’s such a divine honour to be included in your experience, to put our skills to work for you!  We love it and want nothing more.

Pick your truth, angels.  Guide yourself to the truth you most want to believe in!  You have unlimited options there on your planet!!  You have so many truths to choose from!  Your family in consciousness, the human collective, is so creative and full of ideas and they love to share, just like we love to share!  You can feel consciousness acting within you as human beings because you light up and are set free when you can share your ideas and offerings with your human family.  Regardless of your passion or belief, our loves, it’s evident that the soul in you is playing on Earth when you express yourself and offer your energy into your reality for others to pick up if they choose.

You may choose, sweet ones!  You can pick up any offering and take it into your being for a quick check.  See how it feels to believe in an offering presented from us or from one of your human family members.  If it resonates and aligns with your heart and makes you feel alive and excited about your future or your present, then you may adopt it as your truth.  All offerings are truths which you can believe or walk away from.  You can relax about discerning which is truth and which isn’t because you can recognize that every offering is true to the soul creating and offering it!  If an idea or concept is true to just one of you, then it is true to any who also choose to bring it into their own belief systems as truth.

Loves, rather than attempting to differentiate truth from lies, you may accept all presented offerings as truths.  There is no finger-pointing needed, no convincing others who is right and wrong; there is only choosing which truth to adopt as your own.  And it’s so easy to pick a truth, beloveds, because you have your beautiful passionate heart as your guide.  You can trust your heart above all else and feel it when you consider any truth presented.  Imagine it, feel it as your reality, and then let your heart respond.  As we said, you will feel excited and lifted at the prospect of an offering when you are about to bring it into your set of beliefs.

Evidence supporting something as fact or proving it’s a lie makes no difference, sweet loves; let there be only truth in everything received and you will no longer expend the energy sorting and categorizing.  See all offerings as truth, use that beautiful energy to pick which truth belongs to you, and then sail smoothly with your heart as your guide.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
