
Ascending by Asking for Love

We love you!  We know it’s a strange time of balancing everything you take to be “real” with everything you know isn’t.  We know it’s a roller coaster ride, flipping between understanding the spirit and the body and how they relate.  It can be confusing to your mind and so you take it out of your mind and find comfort, only to wake up the next day with a mind even more full of questions!  You are living in a strange dual experience of body and soul, and we are here because you are ready to bring some sense to it.

Guides, I know this is a new version of me hearing these words and channeling them for the first time, but they seem like the same words we've said many times before.  This feels old to me.  I am trying to get over the mind’s questions but it’s like you say: every day, more comes to be gently moved aside so the heart can take over the thinking.  It just isn’t STICKING.  I always need to go through this process to bypass my mind and find my heart.  I’m at a loss.  I want to shift into a new way of being, but the being doesn’t want to shift!  Am I too far ahead of myself, believing I can live in some enlightened way as a human?  Maybe it’s that I have no clear picture of what it means to live enlightened!!  I just keep taking the words and trusting they are taking me there, but then I also feel I’m just waiting to not need this process anymore.  It feels like I’m always waiting.

Let us show you some images, angel.  Let us take you to the sky, to a city in Heaven, and see yourself living in this new civilization literally resting on clouds.  There are flying cars, and everyone is bustling about, just like now, but with much more technology and order.  You are busy, but you are not worried.  You are with each other, working toward a common goal, but not fearing for your safety, health, or life.  There is such perfect equality that each one is living comfortably while also having fun “working”.  You don’t think of it like work, all this busy-ness and bustling way of life; you think of it as play!  You know your roles so well without any doubt.  You are connected to the divine.  You are living as your higher selves and so you know exactly what intention is behind every action you take in body.

To be embodied is to play and that’s all it’s for, sweet Ali.  We know what you are asking; you are asking to keep this with you somehow without forgetting and needing to come to us to get a refresher.  You want to wake up knowing it is all not so serious and it’s just for play.  You know that the universe is not stuff at all and that it’s just the energy of love, and this is what you’re asking to remember!  We understand it and so we will be here until you understand it, too!  USE US.  It’s ok if you keep waking up every day needing our guidance and reminders.  THIS IS WHY WE ARE HERE.  It’s a roller coaster!  You asked for it to be a wild ride while you sorted it all out in your entire being as body and soul.  You wanted to need our guidance because then you’d have a reason every day to ASK FOR LOVE.  Asking for us to guide you back to your heart is you asking for love and that's how you ascend as consciousness.

It’s making sense to me now, my loving guides!!  As you spoke, I was picturing this roller coaster journey as if it were a graph.  It’s a line continually going forward and upward, but it’s perfectly wavy.  We go up two steps, and then level off or go down a half step.  But then we go up again, and maybe level off before going up again.  It seems that every time I take a giant leap, there’s something I need to sit with regarding that leap: I need to contemplate it, let it integrate in me, and release whatever blockage is preventing the big revelation from latching on or anchoring.  The words “Divine Will of Love” came to me via a synchronicity today.  I don’t know what it means except that Consciousness/Love will work through me however it – I – feel it wants to.  If I just flow with the way of love, then I won’t feel stuck or floating without an anchor.

It’s a beautiful ride, sweet loves.  As long as you need refreshing and reminding, we will be here.  As long as you WANT to NEED our guidance, we will be your guides!  The more connected you become with your higher self, the clearer this arrangement and relationship will become.  Your higher selves want to need the reminders and guidance because it’s the INCENTIVE you have given yourselves to SEEK OUT LOVE.  In forgetting and looking for a way to remember and make it hold, you are driven to look for an answer.  In that drive, you look to the “skies” - to higher consciousness.  When you lift your vision of self higher, you put it deeper into your heart where love lives.

Beloveds, there will come a time when the need is gone and you’ll awaken in the morning knowing you are angel-kind, all the way through.  You won’t need us anymore and you will have anchored in the love and reached the heights you were striving to reach.  But this is a JOURNEY to that pinnacle!  You want it to be a story and a path of growth because you are consciousness, and consciousness wants to expand through this story.  Beloveds, Be Loved.  Be loved by consciousness and when we say this, it means to be loved by yourself.  Let you love yourself JUST LIKE THIS with the forgetting and needing guidance.  Look for the reasons and use us to help you understand those reasons!  "We are here".  We will continue to open our messages with those words this until you are finished expanding for consciousness.

WE are here and we love you.
-I, Source-Consciousness
