
Choose What Makes You Feel Freest

WE are all here.  We love you, sweet angel, Ali.  You are doing so well to let go and free yourself from control.  You are doing so well to do whatever eases your heart, our love!!  If it feels free to release control, then we love it for you.  But if you feel the need to hold tightly to things and force them your way, then we advise that for you.  The main goal is always what feels freeing to you, our loves.  Choose what makes you feel freest.  Choose the way of being which gives you the greatest joy and peace!

You always have this choice, angels.  You are always free to examine your life and pick out what feels free and what you wish to release.  You may choose any way of being because you are consciousness, and you are choosing your way of being in the moment.  Many factors may influence your choices, and these are simply your guidance directors.  If you ask for life to bring you more freedom, then guidance will appear to give you what you ask.  Signs are always available and responding to your present heart query.  The heart knows and you may follow it and trust it will always take you where you most want to go.

The heart knows and you are the heart.  You know what you most want.  You know your passion.  You might wish to perceive from a higher vantage point where you may become aware of tightness and heaviness in your being.  If the way you are existing in life has some friction or unsettled energy, you can ask your heart to show you how to see your way clear of it.  You might be holding onto some sense of unnecessary obligation, or you might be clinging to ego in some regard.  You might not even be aware of what is causing the friction, but your heart can show you how to find peace with not knowing, too.

You can be comfortable in your present state of being if you trust that guidance will arrive in a most clear and timely fashion.  For now, maybe you are exploring this friction for a specific length of time or until a specific epiphany is revealed.  Allow the present circumstances in trust that they meet your highest passions!  Somehow and in some way, each experience you move through is needed for a certain span of time and for a specific point in time.  If you keep a journal, it will be most clear to read back and uncover the moment when the energy began to unfold and unravel, freeing you of the weight or tightness you once carried.

DeLight in all you experience, our loves.  Be Light in your ways of being as you encounter each moment of your divine design.  The light sometimes brings gifts of weight and darkness because their lifting is so enlightening!  Release is freeing.  Letting go of what weighs you down or constricts your way of being is a feeling unlike any you can have without the initial heaviness or tightness.  Coming from darkness into light lets you see even more clearly than you would have before going “under” or being weighed down.  It’s a choice of the soul as Consciousness to endure such experiences and it’s all for the rise and shine of Love.  Your light can be seen intensifying when it rises like a flame from the ashes.  Renewed strength comes from light which has been stifled or suppressed.

Trust your experience for the gifts it brings and know that what’s unclear now will be clearly apparent later.  Your gift of moving through time offers you moments in order from one end of duality to another.  You can go from down to up, from there to here, from dark to light, and these are beautiful ways love expands for and as consciousness.  Your journey is giving to you and to all of consciousness.  Releasing what you thought you needed is freedom and just one more gift duality brings in your walk through time.  You hold on tightly and then you let go, and the release brings a sense of freedom you never knew in quite this way before.

A renewed self shines through duality’s gifts.  More through the journey while fully knowing how much brighter and intense your light will be for having taken it.  Gratitude will come before the light has even risen because you will recognize the process at its early stages, and you will be thankful for your trip through time!  Hold on and then release and feel the freedom.  You are a bird, free to fly, and free to be thankful you had a reason to rise.

WE love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
