
Forming Connections in the Collective Heart

Angels.  Earth beings of Light!  Hello and welcome into this heart of Love where we reside together as One light and One breath.  We are the Arcturian Council and we have with us our very special guests the Lyrans, the Andromedans, the Pleiadians, and the Sirians.  We have other esteemed guests who are always contributing to these messages as I, Source-Consciousness such as the Abole of Cygnus, the Archangels like Jesus, Mary, Michael, and Raphael.  The guests of honour here are all of us and all of you.  We praise and honour you as equal members of consciousness, and we see each of the collectives here in the same light no matter how much or how little they are contributing to the message which ends up on paper for you to read.

The contribution of a collective isn’t always front and center, but if it’s present as consciousness like you are as the human collective, then it is lending energy.  Through our beloved human channels like our Ali here, we can pick up the vibration from you all and apply it to the collection of energies we are gathering to deliver to you who read.  All of consciousness is receiving each creation coming from itself, and so if there are no readers, the energy to which we have given our focus and attention is now available for retrieval in the heart.  If one so chooses, the message can be found in the heart, and it can be received just the same as it is by those who physically read.

You contribute to the energy of consciousness whether you formulate a creation or not; you contribute just by being a part of consciousness.  If anyone of us chooses, we can look inside our own heart and feel for your energy there: You exist and that's how you contribute.  If you choose to focus your energy, then you can choose how to deposit yourself into the collective heart for pick-up!  Your energy is vivid, bright, and available and any passerby may swoop down and take a sampling for their own taste-test.  If the energy is to their liking, then they can choose to come back for more.  A connection is formed in the ethers in this way and often these connections then also become formed wherever you are focused in a physical experience, too!  If you are placing your focus heavily into a state of matter as you are now on Earth, then those who are sampling your energy will find you there just like they found you in the collective heart.

We follow the energy which is most to our liking whether we are focused in form or not.  We have gathered as like-energied beings here for these messages as I, Source-Consciousness because of this method of connection.  You are focused on your state of being as form, but you still have the freedom to focus on the energy in the heart, so this is how you may tune in and sample our energy where we live without form!  As active as you are inside of a physical experience, you remain busy in the energy field, flying around and sensing for like-hearted energies to dip in and sample or share your own energy with.  As a human, you can be actively involved in this sampling and sharing of energies through meditation.  There are many types of meditation, and all aren’t as complicated as it might seem; you can let your mind wander off in a daydream, and that’s a form of meditation.

Feel your heart in whatever way is fun, comfortable, and rewarding to you.  If a deep and quiet contemplative meditation is your favourite method, then you may choose that, but you may also write a story, daydream, play music, ride a bike, or find any number of creative ways to “get in the zone”.  Connect to the energy of love’s light like you would tune into a radio station.  You can dip in anytime, feel for the energies, and then choose your playmates in Consciousness.  You can follow the energies which light you up and inspire you and then contribute by responding with your feelings of excitement.  A connection is formed when the attention is shared, and you might find yourself in physical meetings if these energies are also focused in form like you are.

Play with the energies, explore, and experiment.  Find your “tribe”!  The energy you put into the heart of consciousness will be picked up by those seeking your style and flavour, and vice versa!  It’s a fun way we can know that we will always remain in contact and how we can always collaborate as Consciousness for creations like this channeling.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
