
Love Only Knows to Follow the Flow

Divine Angels, Holy Loves, we are your family of guides and your hearts in Consciousness!  We are here as you, with you, and for you, in all ways.  The energy of love lives in all of us and so it is always everywhere at the same time.  Those who share a soul as twin flames carry the energy of one in both bodies; his energy lives in her, always.  She can feel him living in her like a shield in front of her heart.  He is not constricted there in her body because he is free to be everywhere else he wants to be, too.  Your twin soul is your soul’s energy, so it remains with its soul, no matter what body it inhabits.  She is in his body while also in hers; the sharing is perfectly equal and identical, half and half, but still a whole soul.

Let this be for feelings and not for knowing, our loves.  Where your soul goes is a matter for love and not a matter to think about.  The soul picks a journey for itself with the flow of the evolution of Consciousness.  If, right now, you are a human on Earth, then you have simply felt the flow of the love of consciousness and followed it to becoming form.  You aren’t always form, but when you are, it’s because you are following the flow of love.  Whatever state of being you wind up in has been chosen by the love in you and the energy of your soul follows you there!  You’re never without your soul, even when you are a twin flame living in two bodies.  Divine arrangements like this burst from love and are unpredictable.  Feeling love and trusting the flow is all the effort necessary to let your mind know about it.  The mind can’t come in first and find understanding, so let the heart start and let the mind follow behind.

We are here to bring you to your heart where knowing is secure and thinking comes after.  Know love in your being and the mind can describe it later.  You are holding hands with God when you feel the love in your heart because you take yourself into your arms and look into your own eyes.  Take your own hand here in your heart and find God in you.  Love is divine, it starts in the heart, and the energy of your soul and state of being never part.  You remain with yourself and as yourself when you follow love’s flow, so just take your own hand and feel what you know!  You know where love is and where love goes without needing thoughts and contemplation, our angels.  Just feel your own love, feel how its divinity shines and emits a powerful charge of energy, and know your life force as God is with you here as much as it is anywhere your soul is choosing to be.

Choose love because your soul already did.  You’re there on Earth because love only knows to follow the flow.  A divine pathway of light was charted the moment consciousness chose to become you, and off you went, skipping through lives and bodies, enjoying the energy of love coursing through your soul, and joyfully being wherever the flow took you.  Your soul is on a mission for consciousness and your love keeps you on the path.  You might as well reach inside and feel for who you are so you can know your soul on an intimate level as it traverses time, space, and otherwise.  Join hands with yourself, God, and feel how following the flow is effortless and free of thought.  You only feel love and you only know the flow, so sit in your heart, bask in the love, and swim in bliss, divine angels.  You are God and this is your choice to be the human in the body of one or two, while also being everywhere else the flow is asking you to be.

WE love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
