
The Journey of Two Hearts

Hello, our beautiful angels.  We are here in your heart, and we love you so, so deeply.  Christy loves you all, too.  She was expressing that she wishes to pour her heart out to us, both her human heart and the heart of her higher self.  We understand the meaning and we know that you often perceive yourself as human and as an angelic spirit being as though they are two very separate things.  To an extent, our loves, they are separate, but it’s only for the experience.  You, the angel, wanted to have a human experience.  You wanted to be human in every way you could be, to have the full experience, and to live it as if it is you, entirely.

As humans, you have always known you have a soul, so this isn’t a new-age concept.  As soon as the first of humankind felt the glory of a sunrise, the heart welled up, and the knowing was captured on a human level, even if you had no word for it yet.  You had no words for anything yet when you first became a human civilization, but you didn’t need words for this feeling of love you found within you right at the onset of your existence on Earth.

Your human heart does seem to have its own wishes and feelings of love which are separate from your soul’s heart.  This heart is the heart of who you are as a person, and it’s going to have strong emotions which aren’t the same as the soul’s emotions.  You, the awakened, know that you are following your heart on Earth, and this is how you are navigating the divine plan your higher self has designed for you.  You know that this journey is all about the heart, and unlocking it is the way you discover your soul and know it more intimately.

So, whenever you are caught up in the strong human emotions, you believe you are not in touch with your soul’s heart, and you feel discouraged and disappointed.  We’re here to assist with this and share with you that the human heart and the soul’s heart are always working together.  You never do anything entirely without both being involved, and it’s only a matter of using your feelings to come to acceptance and understanding about it.

Check in with your feelings and be curious and interested about them.  Whatever the feeling, it’s ok.  It’s ok to be scared.  It’s ok to be grumpy.  It’s ok to be negative.  It’s ok if you forget to feel your soul’s heart.  It’s ok if you believe you have failed.  It’s ok if the world seems to be controlling your emotions.  It’s all ok.  It’s ok to be human.  It’s ok.  You don’t need to feel bad for being human because you chose to be human and it’s everything you wanted to be!  You WANT to be human so then you can’t feel bad for being what you wanted to be, sweet ones.  Don’t suffer for being human, even if human IS suffering.  You don’t need to add any guilt to yourself for being what you came to be.  This journey of hearts is about being human, having a human heart, having human emotions, and being fully immersed in everything it offers.

Your hearts are always synchronized in support of this experience you asked to have.  You have human expression, big emotions, coming from your human heart, but it isn’t detached from your soul’s heart.  While you are exploring your humanity, your soul is very busy organizing and planning the next step in that exploration.  Your soul’s heart is at the root of everything you do and feel, beautiful angels, and it is never out of touch or out of reach.  Your hearts are one, but they act like two when you have a personality and role to explore.  You will feel like your heart is separate just like you will feel your body and emotions are separate, but it doesn’t mean they ever are.  You always remain the angel having the experience, but you’re just making it as immersive as possible.

Let it all be ok, now.  Come to understand your soul’s choice and then soften about what happens within that choice.  You are entirely angel being and human being.  Explore the big emotions, be the human, but always remain at peace with your choice to go on this journey of two hearts.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
