
There is Only One Now

We are here, loving angels.  We are all here with you.  We have no other time than now and neither do you!  We only have one now: this one.  If we talk about the upcoming moment, then that isn’t now because it’s later!  If we talk about a moment ago, that isn’t now either because it’s the past!  There is only one now and no other moment can be now because ONLY NOW IS NOW!  We hope that makes sense to all of you!  We hope you see the flawless logic here where we meet in the same way in this singular now.

It might feel uncomfortable for you to imagine a future moment.  You might have a sense of worry or fear about a moment you know is coming up but aren’t ready to enact.  There is uncertainty about the future because you don’t know what will happen.  You try to imagine what you might say or do when the scenario presents itself, and it only brings more anxiety.  Then you ask why so much fear comes with imagining the unknown future.  You want to be free of fear for the future and let it go.  Well, you can do that!  You can let the past go because you have lived it and seen it, and the future is no different!  You can let the future go, let it be what it will be, for the same reason you let the past go.  The past and the future are not now; when you attempt to make them now, you clutter up the now with things that are not it!  No other moment can be now because there is only one now.

Give now away.  Give now a way to be!  Let now be here and only here in this moment and bring no other moments to it.  You can imagine the past while letting it be the past, but you don’t need to bring it into your present moment; you can know it isn’t here with you, and you can let it be there where it is.  The past doesn’t need to plague you because it isn’t HERE.  The past is gone and now can be gone, too.  When you give now away, you set it free.  Even now needs no restrictions.  Even now can be like the past where it is free to be, just like the past is unchanged and set free.  Lift the restrictions from what is happening now and let it go.  Now is blissful and full of peace because it is free of then and later.  Now is for you and it’s fresh and new.  You can choose anything in your now and let it be free to be.

Now is full of wonder and surprise and free of expectation.  The future is full of expectation, and this gives it restrictions.  If you let the future go, set it free to be whatever it will be, then you free your present, too!  When you clutter the now with moments which don’t yet exist, then you put guidelines on the now; you limit now to what will happen, not giving it the freedom to bring presence to you.  Your presence is your freedom.  Where you place your awareness is creating all of time!  The idea that the past is still there, and a future is on the way, is coming out of your awareness, but you can let that all go and just be now.  Be open to what now brings, and it won’t create a future anymore.  Closing in around the now with expectations about what it will be puts it into the future.  Moving now to the future keeps it from being now, from being free.

Our loving angels, give now the freedom to be only now and let it go.  The past isn’t now, the future isn’t now, and so that leaves only now to be now.  Release it, set it free, and come to be.  Come into peace with what now IS and let go of what it COULD be or WILL be.  Now can’t COME TO BE because it already IS BEING!  Now is here and there is no changing it, no expectations for it, and no limiting its potential.  Remain peaceful here where now is known!  You know now so you don’t need to give it structure.  You know now because it’s here already and it is just being in freedom.  Set it free, our loves, and let it BE along with the future and the past.  The moments have their places, and there they shall always stay.  Now, the future is the future and now, the past stays in the past.  Give it away, let moments be where they are, and come into this bliss of the peaceful now.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
