
Your Tree of Creation

Our divine angels of Earth, we are here with you, and we welcome you into your heart!  Come and be with us here in the love you feel in your heart.  Come in and find the love of the universe all inside of you.  Nothing is outside of you.  All the universe fills you and projects from you.  You are the source of all creation!  There would be nothing outside of you without the love you hold within.

For this visual, you may perceive yourself as the only being here.  For this moment, just believe that you are the only one and everything and everyone else you see out there around you is your creation.  If you are the ruler of your world, what will you do to change it?  Does it need changing?  Feel how the seed of creation is in you and everything you see out there is the branches and leaves sprouting from you.  You are the One, angel.  You are the Supreme One.  You are the Ruler of all of creation so let it be known and then be God there in your own world.

Being God might seem like an intimidating job, but it's very easy.  If you are the only one, then you have no one else to look after or contend with.  Remember that we are saying there is only you here for this vision, so feel the ease in being you with nothing to manage, control, or organize.  You are here by yourself, and you have this seed within you which lets you grow anything you want from it!  It’s a magic bean planted in your heart, and it will give you anything your heart desires.

Being God is freedom!  You have freedom to create anything and for right now, you created this Earth with all the other humans on it, with animals, with plants and water, with a universe it calls home, and with everything else beyond your universe, too!  Your tree has no end, and it never stops growing.  This is your consciousness expanding and it is this never-ending tree of creation sprouting directly from your heart.

And this is why we ask you to come here into your heart.  Here is where your world comes from; it is all entirely from you, beautiful loves.  Start here because if there’s anything you want out there, it starts here.  Your heart holds all the keys.  Your heart is the root of creation, and it is also everything you see around you.  From love, your world has erupted like a volcano, and it just keeps pouring creation endlessly.  You have no limits, and you have no end, so keep creating from your heart.  Let love do the work; there’s nothing for you to shape with your hands or invent in your mind.  Feel the love in yourself and your mastery shines and spreads far and wide.  Let love create your world and let the branches of your tree of creation reach further and continue to blossom into something more and more beautiful, just like you.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
