
Connect to Anyone or Anything with Your Energy

We are here, angels!  WE are with you at your sides, in your hearts, and all around you all.  Us guides are everywhere!  We are invisible to your eye, but it doesn’t mean you can’t sense us with you.  In every moment of your day there on Earth, you can feel for the presence of support from the higher realms.  You innately know that this MUST be possible because you each know enough about what energy is to have an understanding that not all things which exist in your world can be seen or touched.  However, it’s true that everything in your world can be SENSED.  You are energy and everything else is energy, so there’s always a connection there between you and the rest of the universe!!

If there’s something you want to sense, anything at all, then you can sense it because you also innately know that things made of the same substance easily blend with each other, like liquids!  If you know water can be poured into water, then you know energy can be poured into energy, and this is how you know you can mix your energy with anything else which is energy.  Nothing isn’t energy.  Even water has energy in it.  You can sense water, and this is proof that you are mixing your energy with it!  Energy doesn’t need to be in close proximity to mix because it has no physical properties.  Even if you’re not standing at the seaside, you can sense what it’s like to be near the water, feeling the movement and flow within you.

You don’t need any scientific training to sense your world as energy because you can feel it and that’s your training!  You have trained yourself to sense it and perhaps you’ve done so without any conscious thought.  If you know water can be poured into water, then you already know everything you need to know about energy mixing with energy.  Maybe you didn’t give it much more thought, but because you know it, it’s innately stored knowledge, the basic knowledge you have where your senses help you survive without requiring the use of your mind.  Your breathing and heartbeat are along the same lines, doing it for you while you tend to your worldly business.  There are things you just know without your full understanding or deep contemplation, and they’re stored in you as part of your basic survival instinct, but they’re always available to you to think on if you so choose.

Think on it, or just feel it, but bring awareness to your energy-being and notice how it connects to everything else which is also made of energy.  If there’s anything you want to sense and bring into your feeling reality, then do as you did with the seaside exercise above and sense the energy mixing with you.  If you want to sense us guides around you, then call up this innate and instinctive knowledge and let the energy in you sense the energy in us.  Within your physical body and thoughts is the energy which runs through it.  This is your energy, and this is how we connect to you.  We don’t use your body or mind to make contact because it isn’t necessary, and it isn’t the source of who you are.

It’s so much easier to connect as energy when it exists in everything!  There are no limits to who or what you can connect with through energy.  Because energy is in you and in all things, you are free to choose to mix with any part of it, no matter how far away it might seem in your physical world.  There is no distance to travel to meet and mix with other energy because unlike physical substances, it’s connected by being the same and not by proximity.  Energy isn’t physical so it can’t have a physical location!  When we connect to you, we don’t need to travel to you because we are already “with” you.  We are energy and so are you and this connects us without any travel needed.

Whether it makes sense to your mind or not, you can use your innate knowing and sense any energy you want to sense.  You choose and then you can play with this and continue to train yourself through play.  This is the easiest and most fun way to connect, and it’s limitless.  The energy is with you because it is you!  It’s here and you can sense it and enjoy it whenever you want, our loves.  Remember that this goes for anything because it’s all made of energy and so are you.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
