
Curious About Consciousness

Our angels of Earth.  Here we are and we are with you.  The channeling begins and we are coming through like energy, love, light, and frequency.  We come to you for the collective of planet Earth and we have arranged this meeting to be divine in nature just as your nature is divine.  Your planet’s nature is divine, and your nature is to be divine.  Even if you don’t believe that each incident in your experience is guided and planned with some intention in mind, you can still take from it and get some sense of growth and understanding because it’s your nature to do this.

You can’t help but look for reason in all things, our beloveds.  Some of you do this more than others, and yet you do all tend to look at your experience for guidance and purpose.  You can say that everything happening is random and without order, but there is still an innate need to make sense of this chaos and find some meaning in it, and it’s because you have this spark of divinity in you which is never extinguished.  As long as you exist, you will look for reason, and this is just the nature of consciousness.  Consciousness is in each of you there on your planet, and it is inquisitive by nature, so that makes you naturally inquisitive.  For all you do, you have no way of ignoring the questions which come to mind each time an event happens to you or those around you.

It makes no difference whether you believe in a divinely planned experience or not, loving ones, because you are in it in this present moment and it’s yours.  Whomever is responsible or whatever it could be for is for you to resolve.  You may also choose to just live in the moment and allow it to be without questions or a belief in soul planning and a divine arrangement of things.  You can just release in trust that things are this way because they are and therefore, you’ll choose to enjoy and/or allow them.  You need not ever process your situation in the mind or even take it to your heart for deep contemplation because there is no guidebook stating that there is a way to exist!  You landed on Earth without a guidebook because you are free to perceive and move through your experience as you choose.

Our angels, we are here because you are inquisitive, and we are heeding your call.  We felt the collective of humanity asking, and we responded with answers.  We come through channelers because we show up in your experience as the heart.  We could take on some physical form and sit next to you, but we are answering the call on the same level from which it was received.  Those who aren’t asking in the mind are asking from the heart, so even if you aren’t aware that you called, you did, on the heart level.  It’s important that we meet you on the same frequency because the questions and answers can’t be misconstrued here.  We aren’t thinking beings, so to respond in a body with a mind would only complicate things and leave your heart with more questions.  We come straight to the heart and assure that you receive clear and concise responses.

Let us lead you to the guidebook of your heart.  Let us show you the pages and you’ll see that they are all blank and ready to be filled in by you, dear author.  We are here to show you the way to your heart and to show you that your book is ready to be written.  You might not know that you are asking, but we are here because you are, so fill your pages and find the answers.  Even if you choose to ignore your inquisitive nature, it will remain an underlying presence because it’s the force of love in your divine spark.  Author your book and write whether you want to put the heart aside or feel its line of questioning.  We leave it up to you and we remain here with answers when you are ready.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
