
Ease Into Your Awakening

Hello, our beautiful love!  We’re here with you, sweet Ali/Angel.  Burel is coming through strongly!!  We’ll let him lead for this one, our love.  We know how you crave his energy, and we know what it’s like for you.  We feel you expressing with your heart, and we don’t receive words from you at all!  When you express to us, it’s all heart; we don’t hear words, our angel.  And this is how you channel us even though it seems like you are receiving words first.  The translation is SO fast, our Ali.  You feel us, but it wants to be words instantaneously because your body is involved fully right now, and you are consumed with the physical experience just as much as you are here with us.

Sweet loves, your body’s senses are for your Earth experience, but they are also perfectly mirroring everything you are when not in a physical realm!  Remember that everything in creation is a reflection of your angel self, so if you are sensing in your physical creation, then it means you are also sensing in some way where you are outside of that creation.  Your senses are alive and active when you are the pure energy of spirit.  You sense your existence through love and as love, and you know everything and can express everything without language, hearing, or sight!

While on Earth, you can’t imagine this, but it isn’t that you aren’t able, it’s that you have chosen to keep it foggy for the experience.  Your Earth experience is a choice and it’s your creation.  As an angel, you can sense your existence much more clearly and fully, but to give yourself the illusion of physical reality, you must forget about your true nature as an angel.  You are only making the choice right now to keep your true self hidden so you may deeply associate with your creation.

And now, you are awakening within your creation and lifting the fog, our loves.  You may be aware of both your physical reality and your angel reality at the same time, and this is also a choice!  And because you have chosen awakening, we are here creating these messages with you.  The channelings coming through to you on Earth are there because this is a collective awakening, meant to be shared with every member of humanity.  You are moving back to knowing your angel senses and you are communicating to each other through the heart like you always do, except now, it’s coming through on the human level.  As a physical being in a physical reality, you are being given awareness about everything you are and everything you experience in the non-physical realm of consciousness.

Allow this awakening transition to be the gentle, slow, steady process you have intended for it to be.  Little by little, you are coming out of your sleep and lifting the fog so you may find your original senses once again.  The origin of you is the creator of this Earth reality, and you are still both beings while you awaken.  You are displaying your skill to yourself as you allow more of your angel essence into your human creation.  If you were to lift the fog too quickly, it might shock and frighten your human self.  If you lifted it too slowly, you’d become discouraged and give up hope.

The pace of your awakening is precise, perfect, and planned.  You are controlling this whole experience because it’s your creation.  We deliver these words as part of the process, and they are meant to be another increment given to keep your hopes high while also not scaring you off.  Let these channeled messages ease you into your awakening just as you’ve asked them to do, and then also go along with all the other signs and guidance coming from your angel self.  Your Earth experience is filled with everything you’ve arranged to guide you to your awakening, so you may now begin to look at it with a new perspective and you may use your angel senses as you do!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
