
Merge Your Two Realities

We love you.  We are here, our angels.  You can rest.  You can relax in knowing that we are all here holding your hands and waiting for you to wake up.  Just rest and feel the love here.  You don’t need to open your eyes; we’re right here when it’s time to wake up.  Searching for satisfaction can end.  Dwelling on what you’re supposed to do can end.  This is a "nine" year, 2+0+2+5, a year of endings.  Let this be an ending.  You’ve had so many new beginnings up until now, so let this be an ending of so much turmoil and strife you’ve held onto.

It can all end now, our loves.  Let the struggle go and just rest into your reality.  It’s your time to end all but relaxing and feeling love.  Focus on the love here.  Let go of everything else and let love be your only focus.  Your world will ask you to be places and do things, but it doesn’t mean you need them to sidetrack you from your focus.  However, there is no sidetrack; there’s only the straight path of your divine plan.  Where you walk is your divine path, and so you can be places and do things while also making these things all about this love you’re so intently focusing on now!

You have two realities.  You have the inner reality and the outer reality.  The inner is your world here inside when your eyes are closed and you’re imagining anything you want to be, do, or see.  The outer reality is the world around you where you feel you have no control compared to the inner.  These realities are working in unison!  Even if the external world won’t satisfy, it will point to where satisfaction is.  It's a BALANCE.  IT’S EQUAL.  Both worlds are equal.  ONE ISN’T BETTER.  Your external world IS your internal world, so it’s EQUALLY WONDERFUL!!

Ironically, the human collective is awakening by resting into their sleep.  By ending the resistance to the external world, you are resting peacefully into the inner world, thus CREATING the outer world!!  And when you rest peacefully on the inside, the outside reflects this peace.  Or, if you find playfulness and joy inside, this is reflected.  It’s up to you what you do in your internal reality, and it all flows out into your exterior.  W
hen you make your realities separate, you build a wall between them.  But as you end the resistance, you end the barrier. 

Come to find that there is no separation between your two realities and flow between them with love.  End the panic and confusion and feel the amalgamation.  The goal is not to escape your circumstances and shelter yourself behind the wall, but rather to merge your worlds as analogous partners in loving collaboration.  Allow the flow.  Rest into the peace and ease of the wave of love flowing between both realities.  Play in your internal reality and enjoy it fully!  Find your satisfaction here and you will allow whatever appears externally because you’ll know they’re just the same and it's all for your love and acceptance.  Rest into peace, focus on love, and merge your two realities.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
