
Merging Two Realities into One

I’m ready.  I’m IN love... so in love.  I’m here sinking in love.. In divine love!  I’m bathing in it!  I’m DROWNING in it!!

Hello, our sweet angel, Ali!  Hello, our love.  We see you there drenched in love and it’s DIVINE, just like you say!!  Love is divine.  Love is all there is.  And if divine love and bliss are all there is, then you can set all cares and worries aside, can’t you?  If all is love and love feels like this, then your entire world can feel like love, just like you have described.

We love you.  We love that you are finding love inside and letting it be what creates the outside because this is your nature as God.  You have no work to do.  You don’t need to make plans or get yourself to some specific location on Earth to do your work appropriately.  You don’t need to network or be an online presence.  Our angels, love is everything and God creates with it, so then release this effort and work to do and be, and just love!

We have shown you to use your external world and let it point you back within to the SOURCE of its creation, inside of you.  We have shown you to sit with the love within and let it be reflected in your external reality.  We have shown you to use both worlds as a means of understanding the internal source of these worlds, but now you may blend them into one because they are one!  There is one world, one reality, and it’s in you.  “In” is where “real” is.  “In” is where “real” comes from.

What feels real is all about you because you’re the one feeling it.  If it feels real TO YOU, then the world is YOUR WORLD because you’re not basing reality on what someone else feels.  What feels real to you is how you decide what real is, angels.  Someone else can tell you what feels real to them, but if you don’t feel it, then it isn’t your “real”!

You know your external reality very well, and you know your internal reality very well.  You can be in both at once because you can be focused on the outside world while using your imagination to be in your inside world at the same time.  You are already in both worlds at once, all the time, so it isn’t a stretch to understand them as one.  Love is the source.  Your inner world is love.  You are the source.  You create a picture in your mind, and it projects on the outside.

In light of yesterday’s post, guides – how do I create a picture if my heart does not think?

The heart does not think, our love; it DREAMS.  When the heart FEELS LOVE, dreams are reflected!  Dreams create the images, and the feeling of love makes those images “real”, TO YOU!  Your inner world is now your outer world, in this instance, and both are now real because both feel real.  This love you are drowning in is creating both your realities because it is reflected to you internally in your mind’s beautiful images, and it is reflected in your outer world in all the beauty which inspires feelings of love in you.  So, you can see how both worlds come from the source of your love and from all that you feel is real.

Flip between worlds and feel both within.  The outer world wants you to be within, and once you’re within, the inner world is reflected out!  Keep yourself aware that love is the creator and know your power because you are creating both realities with your feelings of love.  The feelings of love within are everything, literally.  The feelings of love are the key to unlocking the door between both worlds, but they are also what creates both worlds.  You can move between both worlds with your feelings.  If you keep yourself drenched in love, then both worlds will feel real, and they will become one.  There is no separation between these worlds because you are in both, and your feelings are creating both.

Feel love and be in your reality.  You have nothing more to do than this, angels.  Find your ocean of love and drown in it!  Find what brings you to love’s divine bliss and then let your realities reflect and become one.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
