
Move With Your Divine Path Impeccably

Greetings, our sweet Earth Angels!  We are here and with you now as we come through this divine channel for the Light.  We have many transcribers like Christy/Ali who are working for the light on Earth, meaning that they are diving into their hearts in search for higher consciousness.  This work these blessed souls are doing is for themselves, for humanity, and for consciousness.  There is a divine agreement made before each of you tethers yourself to an experience there on Earth and it outlines a path of life for you to follow.  Within this path are smooth patches and pitfalls, but all events are designed to guide you to set course in the direction laid out in your divine agreement.

The likelihood that you will follow your path is 100%, angels.  However, it’s up to you how you will respond to what happens on your path.  Your path is divine and therefore guaranteed to play out as planned.  You can count on this and trust in it, completely: if you walk a path, you walk it on divine light.  Every human being on Earth is moving according to plan.  Your own life may appear haphazard whether you look at your current circumstances or past events, but these are the very effective patches and pitfalls we mentioned which keep you aligned.  Things might seem muddy and messy, but to the divine, it’s all hunky dory.  (That phrase “hunky dory” is the spirit of my dad poking his head into this channeling!).

We present the energies in the messages which will convey our intentions, and for Christy and other channelers, a nod from a passed loved one often authenticates the connection.  This example is just one of the many the Divine is sending you constantly to remind you that you are on the right path, our angels.  Your higher self and your team of guides are constantly working with you to boost your trust and confidence.  When things seem all topsy turvy, move to your heart and feel the gratitude.  Your soul is here, and it knows that all is as you arranged.

Especially in these times of turmoil and confusion, say “thank you”, because these moments are just as significant as the smooth moments!  If things are extreme, there is a good reason; they are effectively leading you to the next planned turn you’ve set for yourself on your path!  To ensure you are walking with the least resistance, make yourself aerodynamic like a Ferrari!  Know your value, your beauty, and your stability!  You have high-tech, divine components which allow you to drop all barriers and let your world flow around you with maximum efficiency!

Our loves, your path is divine and unfolding in the moment.  Remember that time is only for your Earth experience, so this plan is being designed right now and played out right now.  You are fully engaged with your higher dimensional self in this moment, preparing the next step, and coming up with ingenious ways to guide yourself to it.  Your excellence is apparent in the way you move, even though it might not be clear to you.  But if you can watch for the signs along the way, you’ll be guided to trust that the next step is perfect for you, whatever it brings.  You are royalty.  Accept your divine design as it unfolds because you know that a King or Queen like yourself would only make it the greatest it could be!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
