
Put More Weight on the Light

Hello, our sweet beings of light and love.  Here we are.  Here, we are your guides and angels, here to greet you and meet you in the heart and on this page where the words can fall and show you the feelings and images we are sending through the channel, Ali-Ayaele.  Ali is the higher self of the human, Christy.  There is much to explore while one of us chooses to experience the human form and all that comes with it.  While you are human, you enjoy all the pleasures of the physical like speech, hearing, sight, touch, and taste.  You also have human thoughts and emotions which are extensions of your soul, and you explore these with as much fervour as you do the physical senses.  It’s a joy to play as the human and to find freedom being in form!  And so, here we are, showing you the way to combine the higher self being with the human being.

Much of this combination is about release, our loves.  On your way to knowing your higher self and all of us guides here in the being realm of existence, you let go of all which weighs down or burdens your human being.  You want to bring the human to the same level of lightness as your higher self, so that calls for a lifting of weights or pressures which come with explaining why your human is the way it is.  You are not only pressured to explain yourself to others, but you are also under the assumption that you must explain the reasons for your human being to yourself.  “I am this way because...” and you begin to justify your actions and choices, trying to come to terms with or lighten the pressing down of this obligation to explain yourself to yourself.

We are here to guide you to this release by letting you know that you may lighten on the explanations and put more weight on the light.  Let this burden go, sweet ones.  Look to what you are attempting to rationalize or justify now, but also look to the past and release all which you thought you needed to explain about then, too.  Leave all this weight behind and come into the light of the now.  Shift from the heaviness of the effort it takes to make sense of the choices you have made.  There is no judge and jury, our loves.  We are not asking you to explain who you are to us and so you don’t need to explain it to others or to yourself, either!  When we ask you to be free and just be who you are, this is precisely what we are conveying.  Release the pressure to justify your choices and lighten.  Put the questions away and know that yourself is yourself because it is and that’s reason enough.  There is no need to explain a thing, angels; the only need you have is to BE.

Be and be free.  Lift the burdens.  Shift the weight to the light side of being and meet your higher, lighter self here.  You lighten when you release and so you rise, too.  It’s a simple choice to stop explaining yourself and in that simplicity comes the enormity of release!  Choose what you choose and then let it go.  You have made your choices, and the reasons came in the moment, but holding onto those reasons only burdens you with much to carry.  Carry the light.  Hold only the light.  Let go and be free of burdens pressing down on you, sweet angels.  You can let yourself be lifted from under the baggage and rise into fresh, open air where you may spread your wings to their full span.  Release and you move up, bringing your human being into higher being.  The love is here, we are here, your heart is open and ready, and you may let go and be free.  Shift the weight to the light and step up into higher being.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
