
Revolve and Evolve

Hello, our beautiful angels of Earth!  Your realm is a mirror to our own because all of consciousness reflects to itself.  We look to all other members of consciousness as our own reflection, and we see ourselves looking back.  Love always calls a reflection to your attention, so when you meditate and sit inside your heart, you will call that reflection to you in whatever way you perceive in your experience.  If your experience involves a physical realm such as Earth, then you will not only see the reflection in form, but you will feel it, too.  And here we are because of this heart-sitting, reflecting to each other in this moment.

Angels, we see you as we see ourselves – as angels!  We know ourselves to be of Love and of Light and so we can’t perceive those in our mirror any other way.  You see yourselves as physical beings, and so you like to give us shape and personality when you feel our reflection, and this is understandable.  We like the images you give us in your minds because they are so perfectly aligned, metaphorically!  It’s rather exciting and interesting to us to see how you perceive us as angels on high with halos and wings because this is the energy you feel, and this is how your physical being perceives this energy!  You are related to form, so when you bring in any energy, you will naturally perceive it in form.

Our mirrors show us the way we perceive ourselves, and they always reflect just what we need in the moment.  In your moment of feeling us in your reflection, you are aware that you are angelic on some level, but you are also aware of your physical self, so it’s natural to blend feelings and images to any energy you receive.  You chose your experience in the Earth realm so that you could play with these perceptions, our sweet loves.  It’s beautiful and it’s heroic and we applaud you for your courage: You are pioneers, and you are blazing a new trail for consciousness.  Yes, others have explored physical realms, but each of these explorations brings something revolutionary to our evolution!  You revolve, and we evolve!

And how does this reflect to our existence here in our own realm?  We are also revolving and evolving because we are moving in and out of experiences for consciousness, just like you!  We are here now, but we are also in many other realms, and so we are all contributing to the evolution consciousness has set out to achieve.  As beings of consciousness, we go round and round in our present moment, exploring realms and creating new ones.  
Throughout our many journeys, we are always mirroring to the rest of consciousness and giving everything we gain from our experiences.  At any moment, we may connect to those in other realms just by giving attention to love.  For you, that entails both the physical side of your experience and your spiritual side, so you focus on your heart area in the centre of your chest while simultaneously feeling the love which comes from this focus.

You are receiving everything other explorers are contributing, but giving attention to what you receive also contributes!  You are contributing to consciousness when you explore, and you are contributing when you focus on what you receive from the experiences of others.  And so, you see how it is a revolution for our evolution.  We go around and we reflect to each other, but we also receive the reflection and then go around again with a new perspective.  Now, you’re going around again, evolved.  We receive our reflection, we evolve, then we revolve and contribute, and the cycle continues.

Angels, we feel you and you feel us.  Give us form, and we’ll give you light.  We wish to reflect the way we see you, and we wish to receive the way you perceive us.  Let’s be mirrors to each other, our loves, and let’s give and receive as we do.  We’ll carry on in this cycle as we revolve and evolve, and this is how we continue to discover and create new realms of consciousness.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
