
The Angel Holding the Mirror

Our divine loves, hello to you, each one, and welcome.  Thank you for coming here to join us in the creation of words for you and your collective.  You’ve arranged this meeting and set the appointment but not at a certain date and time, even though time and dates are needed for your appointments there on Earth.  Appointments in the heart are set beyond time and space, angels.  We have no location, and we have no set time or clocks to follow here in the ethereal heart.  The heart is just here and living beyond the structure you have for your body on Earth.  Your heart is the eternal connection to consciousness.  A moment on Earth might need to be arranged for looking into yourself and feeling this eternal heart in you, but the heart knows of no such things.  The heart is here and ready no matter the moment.

The heart is ancient to you because while you live in a realm structured by time, it’s difficult to conceive of that which is eternal and has no age.  So, we can feel into your heart of consciousness and think of it as ancient because this will help you to feel its wisdom.  Your physical heart beats and sustains your physical being, but there is a greater heart of you which sustains you as consciousness.  This heart is pure love and it’s available to you when you’re experiencing yourself as a physical body.  Again, to help you conceive of this timeless and formless heart, you may place your attention on your physical heart, and it will help you to access your heart of love.  Press your hand to your chest and let yourself feel the brightness, joy, beauty, freedom, and love of your eternal being living there with you.  Focus only on the heart and know that this is the purity and entirety of you!  The rest is only a reflection the angel sees when looking into the mirror.

Visualize your angel self holding a mirror and seeing you there on Earth as the reflection.  You watch lovingly while knowing you remain there on your throne as the eternal being you are.  This eternal nature is reflected in your mirror there in your human form, and accessible in the heart of that human!  You are speaking to yourself and letting yourself know about this now, and that’s why there are words here for you to read.  We are connected through our hearts of consciousness, and we speak to each other through these hearts with the love we have for each other.  In this moment, we are sending messages to the human beings in the angels’ mirrors and anyone who helped to create this message is now here picking up what their angel self has sent.  The angel in you wants you to know it is with you and not perched up high and far away somewhere out of reach or difficult to contact.  The angel in you is right there in your heart!  Just feel it and you are connected, sweet ones.  You are the mirror image, but you can focus on your heart and feel your free being angel self right now.

Focus intently on your heart and do whatever you can to go deeply into it.  You might feel it under your palm and notice the powerful energy which is so much bigger than your physical heart.  This energy of love filling you goes all the way to the back of your chest cavity and fills you with the heat of its power.  When you focus here, you’re the one holding the mirror.  You can identify with the angel you are in a quick moment there inside your Earth experience just by attending to your heart.  You’ve set this appointment and you’re here now, right on time, our loves.  Get comfortable feeling your heart as deeply as you can, notice its tremendous love and power, and recognize yourself with mirror in hand, looking at the reflected Earth self who is becoming acquainted with you in the timeless heart of love.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
