
The New Trend on Planet Earth

Our loves, our divine souls of Earth, we welcome you and thank you for being here with us, angels!  It’s a divine pleasure to be with you here and we wish to express our gratitude and appreciation for you all there on Earth doing what you do for us and for all of consciousness.  It’s revolutionary and it’s courageous to be there on Earth, cycling through lifetimes and forgetting almost everything about your divine nature while you do it.  You are playing in time where that isn’t your normal way of being.  You are experiencing the body when this is a very foreign thing to you as a soul!  You stepped into this game of life, and you knew how confusing and unsettling it would be, and you knew the rewards far outweighed your own inhibitions.

Can a soul have inhibitions?  It’s the closest word we could find, but no.  The soul is fearless.  However, when weighing options for experience, a soul knows an experience will leave it altered.  Your soul will feel as though it has been on a long journey, and it will be disorienting for you to return after knowing yourself as a being of time and form.  There will be some reintegration required as you absorb back into knowing the self as consciousness, so some consideration took place about the effects and whether they were worth the risks to the soul.  A soul can get attached to being human and it can take some reorientation as it comes back to remembering.

You are already in this stage or reorientation, our sweet loves.  Death can be jarring to you if you haven’t yet awakened within your Earth experience, and it is a shock to be blasted back Home to the source from whence you came.  Of course, we are all here to receive you when this time comes, so it’s only a moment of confusion, yet you hold the memories and residual feelings of emotions while you reintegrate with Source.  The tools we are giving you, the awakened collective on Earth, are the same that we give one who passes over from body back into Spirit.  We are elated to have the honour of sharing these tools with you in advance because your transition will be a breeze compared to the confusion you’ve encountered in other lifetimes.

It has all been leading to this, sweet angels: Your journey for consciousness, both on Earth and off, has been for the soul’s evolution.  This soul’s evolution contributes to the evolution of consciousness because when it reintegrates, it brings all it has gathered about its experiences, including life, death, and awakening!  With each experience, you gain something new, you add it to what your soul has already gathered, and it keeps compiling.  Even if not mentally available in the next experience, your soul retains every piece of information learned, and it is with you in your essence, available at the level it needs to be.

Remember that you are not a mind or a body, so to access these pieces of wisdom in the mind isn’t necessary for the soul; the soul knows and it’s all you need to concern yourself with.  You can feel this wisdom where your soul lives in you, in your heart.  You can mentally access this wisdom here in the love you are, and through channelings like this, but the wisdom isn’t needed at the level of the mind; feel for it and then allow and accept the way it’s with you.  YOU know, angel, as the soul.  Each one knows, and this is not a mental knowing; your heart knows, and you are accessing it in full.

We thank you and we wish to express our gratitude by guiding you through this awakening.  As you come to awareness about the heart and how your many experiences enrich it with wisdom, you reintegrate with consciousness without needing death to do so.  It’s a gift to you and to all other souls watching.  You are the inspiration to souls who are considering following in your footsteps because they see the journey doesn’t need to be disorienting.  You have chosen awakening and you've made it the new trend there on planet Earth.  Souls wishing to join you at this time are not hesitating because you have made the experience much less daunting and much more intriguing than ever before.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
