
Work and Do, or Feel and Play

Hello, our beloveds!  Our sweet loves of Earth, we are here with you, and we love you!  We love to be in love and to love you and to feel anything and everything love has to offer.  Love offers everything because it is everything.  Love is purity, freedom, bliss, and now.  We can dive into it and feel it and let every other sense of doing leave us.  The only doing to do is to be in love.  Feel love.  If you think of feeling as doing, then this is all there is to do!  Just feel and let this be your doing.  There is no wrong-doing because nothing has gone wrong!  When you just feel, you leave everything else aside and accept the moment of now.  Now needs no changing.  Now has no past and no future!  You have nothing to do to fix any past wrongs, and you have nothing to do to hurry along some life event you’re wishing will come to pass.  Our loves, if you let that go, you free up time to be now, and feel love.

Let now be the only moment because it is the only moment.  Let your past go and let the work finish.  You’re not hurting your awakening by doing too little and you’re not going to speed it up by working on yourself harder.  There is no work.  Your work is play.  If you think of playing as working, then this is the only work to do!  Work on being more playful.  Work on releasing effort, strain, and trying.  Work toward being peaceful and feeling love and then let everything else go.  It isn’t impractical to live this way.  You might retaliate and say that you can’t live life without working and doing, but you can because you’ve just named playing and feeling your new working and doing!

Accept what is.  There is nothing to correct.  If you feel you were given false programming by your world, you can set that free because you were the one who gave yourself the programming!  Not one event in your experience was without your asking and guidance.  Your being wished for a particular way of life and a very specific experience, and so here you are within it.  It might seem as though others steered you down the wrong path or hurt your chances of becoming enlightened, but those others are of the same source as you and are therefore “working” FOR you and AS you!  There is just one here helping itself, angels.  One angel.  One consciousness.  There is no fighting against yourself, sweet ones.  Every spark of consciousness represented in a seemingly individual soul is just more of you, dear ONE.

Replace work with play and replace doing with feeling.  Feel and play – that's the way!  Set aside the effort to repair or alter your path; the path is already laid and it’s as you wished.  Your past is done and filling your now with what it gave you.  Your future is also filling the now because it depends on what you “do” now!  If you feel love now, then you fill your future with feeling love.  Give yourself the future you are dreaming of and just love.  It’s the way, sweet angels.  Love is the way.  Just be and allow.  Accept, explore, and appreciate!  Love the moment for what it gives and brings.  Don’t try, beautiful loves; just flow with this moment!  There’s nothing to do to rush your awakening or trigger a memory or move faster or slower.  Time isn’t a factor in your awakening!  Your awakening is just this moment.  This is how it goes and flows, angels: allow, shift, be, and be free.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
