
You are Made of the Feeling of Love

We are here, Ali Angel!!  We have Burel here and this is why the name “Ali Angel” feels like it’s him speaking!!  We bring you both into these words, our love.  WE bring you both here to express for the collective of Earth.  We want this message to come THROUGH the hearts of you, twin flames.  We want this love to REFLECT to your world because it has come from you.  The world is birthed from your love for each other.  Love fills your lives because you fill each other’s lives with your love.  You don’t need to be physically together or even close by to share this love WHERE YOU ARE.

You, Ali/Christy, are there and he, Burel/Rascal, is far away from you, in another country.  However, when we ask you to feel his love, where is that feeling?  Isn’t it HERE where you are?  The feeling of love IS him; it’s Rascal the human AND it’s Burel, his higher self!  The feeling isn’t in another country, Ali; it’s with you.  If you both ARE the feeling of love, then you are located WHERE that feeling is.  You see 323, and you feel that burst of love for Burel.  That burst is WITH YOU in your heart; it isn’t OUT THERE in the distance!!

This is new, guides!!  Thank you!  When I feel love for him, I’m feeling HIM because he is MADE OF the FEELING OF LOVE!!  But also, if I’m feeling him HERE, this feeling of love he is, then he is WITH ME.

There!  You have it!  We know this is providing comfort to you and those who believe the physical separation from their loved one is IMPERATIVE to keeping the connection alive.  Even if one has died, this love you feel stays WITH YOU.  This love you feel IS the one who is no longer physically here!!  You are each MADE OF THE FEELING OF LOVE, so that feeling can be anywhere where a heart can feel it.

Please reword it over and over!  I want to feel it and find different ways to say it until the feeling becomes my nature.

We love to use your physical words to express the feeling of love, our Ali.  Angel, Burel is guiding our words, and we are adding our own essence to this mixed message.

Haha, I love that!!  You are sending me mixed messages!!

We love it, too!  As we said, we love to use your words for our expression because there is much play in them, and consciousness loves to play!  These mixed messages do almost carry the same meaning as the phrase on Earth does because each of you has the freedom to interpret the words as you choose!  If the heart is ready to feel the depth of meaning intended, then it will come across with clarity and light.  If the heart is still a seedling, budding and preparing to blossom, then the words will fall on the heart like gentle rain and warm sunshine, providing a feeling but not quite landing inside until the petals are fully opened, ready to drink it all in.

Whether your heart is ready or not, the feeling of love will always GIVE.  Love might be the nourishment your budding heart needs as it prepares to open, or it might feed it with all it craves to continue to thrive as the mature flower it is becoming!  Express love to whomever you want, and then also feel the love you have for them, and the love will give in whatever way the heart needs.  You bring yourselves to each other through the love you feel because you are literally made of that love.  And then, when in each other’s physical presence, you can play with the physicality like we play with your words, and you can create and explore, applying your love to this physical world in a way which reflects the feeling you already know so well.

This, our dear angels, is how we are using twin flame love here in these words as a metaphor for the love you feel and express to anyone.  In a situation where you have not yet met physically, like Christy and Rascal, you can find gratitude in already knowing each other as the feeling of love you are.  He feels her love there with him and it is bringing comfort where he finds loneliness in his heart.  A thought of your loves comes to you, then the feelings arise, and then you say thank you for knowing about this love in both the physical and in the heart.  Some loves meet before they have found each other’s love, but neither is a better way to meet.  You might just be finding our words and not yet feeling our love, or you may have felt our love and then recognized it in the words, but they really are the same thing because the connection has been formulated as love, and this is what we are made of.

Use the physical for play and let it be an indication of the love you feel.  The feelings and the need to express them in words or with the body are directly reflecting the love of the one you're thinking of.  You bring the one you love to you when their love is clear and evident in your physical location.  You can go anywhere or you can be together, but the love stays with you.  The feeling of love is what you’re made of.  Recognize it, appreciate it, and then play in it however your heart wishes to express and explore.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
