
You Showing You

Now, angels.  Now, we are here.  Now is THE moment!  Now is here and now is time – all time, all places, all at ONCE.  It’s wonderful.  It’s ONEderful.  It’s wondrous – ONE US!  Here we are, angels, and there is one consciousness, one being of light and love here being us.  We are consciousness out here in our places of individualized experience, but we are one consciousness looking back at itself THROUGH our experiences.  We can use this to our advantage!  We can understand our individual experiences in a new way when we know we are a part of something so wondrous and wonderful!

You are not a lone soul; you are ALL souls!  You can peer into the lives of the many other souls on your planet and you can look at our lives here as guides and it is you as consciousness looking back at yourself.  We are all you looking back at you.  WE are you showing you!  We are the guides to each other, every one of us, and every collective, and all of consciousness, as one.  Consciousness is here WITH itself; not BY itself.

One.  We are one, together.  You can use the lives of others on your planet to most closely relate to your own experience as a light of consciousness.  See the other souls on Earth as guides and teachers, showing you the way, and not there to fight against or be envious of.  The other souls are all working for you, sweet loves!  Consciousness is working for itself as you and through you all.  It is in harmony, and it wants to show you that harmony by showing you every other life you can see around you.

You have access to the stories of others’ lives through books and the internet, to name a few, but you may also access them by going out into the world and seeing others living their lives.  You may not know their stories, but you only need to know the present moment.  Observe others in their way of life and invent a story.  You are living your dreams through each other.  You may pick any other life on your planet to observe and identify with and know that you are observing yourself showing yourself.  You show you the way through the many others you are, as consciousness.

It fills us with gratitude when we look in on you and see you showing us the way!  We know this concept and we live it, so for us, there is no mystery about it.  WE know you are existing in your experience for the rest of consciousness.  You may not be aware, but your soul knows it’s on display for all of consciousness to observe and follow.  Some souls will capture you and feel so intimately close to your heart, like they ARE you somehow, and these are the ones who came to show you yourself through them!  And know that if someone is doing that for you, then you are surely doing the same for another!

Give gratitude where it’s due and point it back at you!  The love can fill you and overwhelm you when you realize that you are all showing yourselves the way.  You are there together for this reason, and you are always guiding each other, even if it appears to be inadvertently.  There is only direct and intentional guidance when consciousness shows itself the way.  As separate and individual as it may appear, there is always a greater plan underneath, guiding and leading you to yourself.  You can follow those who intrigue and inspire you because they are inside you as more of your own consciousness, as this wondrous one us!

Give thanks for all you do for you, our loves.  We thank you and we love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
