
Awakening is Like Turning Inside Out

You and us, Ali.  This is the interaction we have created.  We are just one.  We are just love.  We are just here.  There is no “many”, there is nothing other than love, and there is no time, so then you wonder how we can make it seem like these things are true.  This is our magnificence, loving one!!  We, as I, simply looked at the reflection and debated about what we are and what is and we imagined the “what if” side of it where these things were something else, something opposite, or something which did not exist!  We toyed with the idea, and we dreamed up the many ways we could explore them, and then creation happened to let us dream these dreams.

It’s simple yet also so complicated when you are dwelling within the dream.  You have no memory of this contemplation as I, source-consciousness, so it all seems fantastical.  The story has become real, and the truth is the wild idea, but this is how we made it, our loves!  We are so skilled that we have tricked ourselves into believing that this illusion is the truth, and the truth is the fairytale.  Master tricksters, we are, but also LOVE, we are!!  Love is all that is, so even when we create these illusions and dreams and we trick ourselves into believing in them, we are still love at the source of it all.  Nothing has changed in that regard because it CANNOT!!  Love is and that’s the truth which remains constant.  There is nothing else other than love, so then if anything within our creations seems like it isn’t love, it can’t be because nothing else exists!

When you awaken inside of the dream, our angels, you begin to see the truth.  You awaken and you see that there is only love, and then your world begins to unravel as you recognize it as love, too.  Your ego takes a blow because you had everything neatly filed into two categories, “Love” and “Not Love”, and now it must all be moved to the “Love” category.  You are proud of your categories, your ability to decipher one from the other, and now you must admit to yourself and everyone that you were wrong and that’s a hard thing to do!  A crumbling reality isn’t easy for anyone, not even the master who created it.  To come from ego and learn that you tricked yourself is not easy to take, and you will have a period of processing the information while your ego dies.  The part of you which you’ve relied upon to give you an identity is dying, and it is a painful process.

We are here for you while you awaken, our sweet loves of Earth.  We are with you, and we want to guide you through this process while you transform your entire being, inside and out!  Your identity is transforming, your perception is flipping upside down, and your beliefs are enduring a complete overhaul.  These are just a few of the many changes occurring which makes this process even more daunting.  However, you are a master creator, the source of all of consciousness, so you can handle anything, and this awakening is no exception.  As you move everything to your “Love” category, you might meet resistance within yourself and from others, but you will remain loyal to your cause because you are Love, and Love is faithful and unwavering.  Once you know love is all there is, your awakening will naturally propel you toward seeking the truth, and you will be transformed.

Come from love and be the love you are while you traverse your awakening process.  Nothing isn’t love, and you can see it.  Take it slowly and above all, love yourself through it.  Some things will be harder to move to the “Love” category, and that’s ok.  Everything is ok while you transform everything about yourself!  You are literally turning "inside - out", applying inner love to your outer world, so the emotional and physical intensity will be overwhelming, but love will get you through.  Love always leads you through, and we’re the guides here representing this love for you, with you, and in you.  You are love, everything is love, and you are now awake and aware, so let love lead and show you the way as it did to get you to this awakening.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
