
Finding "I" Through Your Creation

Hello, our divine loves, our angels of Earth.  Welcome into our heart of hearts, this ONE love, this ONE heart we are!  Welcome into your own oneness in this here and now, our angels.  Welcome into being one with us and with all.  All are “I”.  There is one here, beloveds, and it’s “I, Source-Consciousness".  This is OUR voice as one voice coming in through our collectives of consciousness here as Earthlings, Arcturians, Andromedans, Pleaidians, and many others!  We are all feeling the oneness with you and knowing this “I” we are as one.  We unite like this, and we know our collective power!  We are the creators of this reality, and we are making it as real as we want.

You are making your world as real as you want, angels.  Our beautiful stars of Earth, you are all the stars of the show, all creating a reality singularly and collectively.  In your own individual world, you have a reality you perceive as your own and this is separate from the collective reality.  Each one perceives their creation differently than the next, but it’s of your choosing.  You reach different levels of awareness or “awakeness” as you open to knowing your creator power.  There isn’t just one awakening, angels; you will have several awakenings as you return to knowing this “I” you are.

Through your creation, you are finding “I”.  You are debating how much of this is real, like this channeling.  Is it possible that this girl is speaking with higher consciousness and transcribing the words received?  Your mind wants to rationalize it or say that it’s all made up, but why is that?  At this next level of your awakening, you can stop questioning what’s real because you can know that it’s your creation!  If you created it, then it is real!  You are making this channeling appear before you and you are bringing yourself these questions about whether magic is real.  You bring these questions because you have created everything in your reality, and you want to come to that conclusion through these questions.

You bring yourself just what you need for each level of awakening, our loves.  Even those who channel wonder if it’s all made up, all in their heads, and if somehow, they’ve just suddenly gained an ability to be a very creative storyteller.  Even when the signs are there and there’s evidence in great abundance, you bring yourself what you need when you doubt your own magic, power and abilities.  If you are asking these questions, they will ultimately lead you to the answer!

The answer you seek isn’t to know which parts of your reality are real; it’s to know that you created it all as “I” and so there’s nothing to question!  If you are the creator of everything, then you have created what’s real.  It isn’t that reality was there first before you stepped in and began asking what parts of it were real, sweet angels!  This reality is yours, so any and every part of it is real if you decide it is!  You create what’s real and that means you decide what’s real.

Let us be here in love and let us guide you to your own power.  Don’t be shy about admitting your greatness now!  You are the One who created all and if you feel that and know it, then you will have no further questions.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
