
Live Vicariously Through Your Higher Self

Hello, sweet divine loves of Earth!  We are your guides, and we are here with you now for this message of love.  We bring our hearts to you now because we want to connect with you as love connecting with love.  We see you all as love and nothing else.  Yes, you have individuality, personality, status, age, and all the other characteristics which distinguish you from others, but to us guides, you are not different from each other.  We love you each equally and we see you all as equals.  A soul is a soul is love.  Love is one thing, and it doesn’t discriminate or place conditions on who receives it.  You are all love, all the same, and Earth is a place where you can pretend that you aren’t.

Beloveds, via your Earth experience, you are like children playing “pretend”.  Of course, you are here with us where you know you are all the same magnificent beings of love, but you have a chance through your Earth experience to explore the other side of this knowing.  You have given yourselves a creation through which to pretend that you don’t know your magnificence, and you are thoroughly enjoying it.  You are enjoying being mad at the weather or mad at gas prices, but you're also enjoying everything presented in your world whether it makes you happy or mad!  As surprising and unbelievable as it might sound, the magnificent you who sits here next to us in knowing is enjoying every bit of it.

Our sweet Christy/Ali lives in a part of the world where the temperature extremes range from –35C to +35C, and she is thrilled to be able to experience this level of contrast!  Christy is beginning to feel Ali’s excitement now that they have become closely acquainted, and she is finding gratitude for life’s extremes.  Ali-Ayaele is Christy’s higher self, the one who holds the knowing.  Each human being on Earth has a higher self and each one sits here with us and enjoys being in your experience with you just like Ali and Christy are doing.

Become acquainted with your higher self and exchange notes!  Your higher self is living vicariously through you, but you can also live vicariously through your higher self!  The exchange can be shared equally, sweet angels, and you can enjoy your higher self’s experience just as much as your higher self is enjoying yours.  Your higher self imagined what it would be like to be a human on Earth and thus, the experience was granted.  You are still the magnificent being while you are there inside of your experience, so that means you can choose the same thing but in the opposite direction.  Imagine what it’s like to be your higher self and then explore that realm of experience!  You’ll find the same enjoyment you are over here on the angel’s side, and you will bring each other’s experiences together, as Christy and Ali are coming to do.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
