
Love's Agenda

Our loves!  Our shining stars of Earth, we love you!  We love to be with you and to associate with all things “you” whether it’s about what you call the “good” or the “bad”.  You are all good, to us.  It isn’t this way on Earth.  On Earth, there are those who do you harm, and there are those who make you feel loved.  We understand this because it’s the experience you are choosing to live in right now and it’s for your soul to discover and learn from!

There is a wide variety of people on your planet, all with different personalities and characteristics, and it makes for a wild ride and vast array of experiences for you to immerse in!  You wanted to know the difference between being treated well by others versus being treated poorly, and Earth is offering that dynamic.  Our angels, you are learning to find your heart and the others around you are simply guiding you to it!  Sometimes that guidance helps and sometimes it hurts, but it all points you to your heart.

Let’s bravely look together at the contrast you are finding here.  When it hurts, you seek out your heart.  When it helps, you notice your heart.  The most effective method of finding your heart is for your soul to decide, but you are there in your subconscious choosing the experiences with your soul.  You don’t remember it, but you are in talks with your soul regarding every situation you encounter on Earth.  The ones who agree to hurt you are doing as you ask, and they are doing it with the same great outpouring of love as those who agree to show you love in the physical.  Our role as guides is to pour the love, and some of your human relationships are meant to hurt, but it’s all for the same reason: Because we love you.

Those who hurt you are doing it to help you, sweet ones.  Whether it’s directly or indirectly, the hurt you receive is your guide to more self-love.  When you love yourself more, you find your heart, and you know yourself more deeply than you ever have!  Surpass the guilt for taking abuse for so long, sweet ones.  All has been arranged and agreed and sometimes the pouring of love must be thicker to guide you to reach for your heart.  Love is poured on thicker where the light is needed in your experience.  Repetition is an effective tool in the physical realm, so if years of criticism are necessary to get you to your heart, then your soul will present the scenarios, and you will follow through with them on Earth.

There will come a moment when it will be enough and you’ll turn to your heart, sweet angels.  You will know the plan on a conscious level, and you’ll be clear about what love is.  You’ll turn to your heart which will mean turning away from abuse, and you’ll do it without regret, blame, condemnation, or resentment.  In fact, you will turn away with joy, gratitude, respect and heartfelt honour for the heroes who hurt you to help you!  It’s confusing to the human ego, but when you reach your heart and know yourself as Soul, it’s clear as day, sweet ones.  The light of dawn illuminates the soul’s choices and shows you the way it is and had to be.

All is done in love for you, and your only job is to feel what love feels like.  It’s easy, sweet ones!  Be honest.  You know what feels like love and what doesn’t, so just follow the love!  Be gentle on yourself if it takes some time to work it out because the plan is always divine, and you can trust in your soul and know that discussions have been had.  All has been carefully arranged, and you wouldn't be experiencing it if love wasn’t behind it.  Feel the love and follow it whether that means going to the love in your heart or bringing love closer in the physical.  The guidance is clear and it will show you the way when you bravely explore what love feels like to you.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
