
Qué Será

Here we are, beloved angels of Earth.  Here we are and we have a message of love and peace for you!  We are here with words and these words are for any time and anyone who finds them and picks them at this specific point in time.  When you read and who you are is exactly arranged just the way everything else in our experience is exactly arranged.  The timing is part of this arrangement and so are all the other properties of the moment of this divinely timed event.

The stage must be set just right for each of your divinely timed events, sweet angels, and the significant ones will stand out to you as pivotal changemakers in your lifetime of experience on Earth.  Here, now, with us is a divinely timed moment which may not seem significant but might come up at another point in your experience as a significant moment.  Your memories serve as divinely timed events just as much as the events themselves do!  An event might seem meaningless only to later return in your essence when a reminder triggers it and brings it from the pockets of your memories.

You have many significant events to draw from right here in this moment in your memories so there is no shortage of guidance at any given point in your experience.  You are not without the gifts of the reality you know when not drenched within the Earth experience because you are still accessing all events of the moment just like you can as a non-physical being!  Memories are your access point, albeit fuzzy compared to the way they are when you are here with us dwelling in the non-physical, but they are there for you to draw from when needed.

Your memories will be just what you need them to be FOR the moment.  You are highly aware that you are a soul within a physical experience, so some level of you is also highly aware that memories can best serve when fuzzy or when the moment of new perception brings them to you like fresh events.  This level of you who is aware and running the show is your Higher Self and it is there in your experience with you vividly and fully present in your consciousness.  “Higher” doesn’t mean detached or far up and outside of your experience; it means “higher in awareness”.  You brought this higher self with you into your experience to ensure that you would have the appropriate amount of access to your higher awareness in each specific moment of your journey through your experience.

Your memory might be different compared to others who experienced it with you, but it’s just as it’s needed to be for the moment, as prescribed by your higher self.  Rather than questioning how correctly you recall a past moment, reap the benefit from the way you are perceiving it now!  There is a reason you are recalling it this way, with these feelings, and it is pertinent to your present experience, so allow and welcome it as yet another guide there in your beautiful physical journey through time and space.

There is no need to separate your realities whether they are memories, dreams, non-physical, or the Earth realm.  Bring it all to you as love and with love because it is all prescribed by your higher aware self as part of your present experience.  You are accessing all the powers you need for this moment, so any which are required will be available when your higher self releases them to you.  This will take some trust, but it will also provide relief because you don’t need to suffer over dividing your realities or straining to recall a memory for what it actually was.  Allow it all to be as it is because it is perfect for this point in your journey!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
