
The Angel at Your Side

Hello, our sweet and beloved Earth Angels!!  We are here with you and this is very true!  We are with you right here in your experience on Earth.  We are not “there” in the sense that we have bodies or physical form, but we are HERE in the sense that Love is Everywhere and where Everywhere is HERE!  Here, is love.  Here, is now!  Here, we are.  We are here together, sweet angels, as love, in love, with love, and of love.  In every way love can BE, we are being it together now and here.

Angels, it gives you great pain and suffering to be physically separated from your beloveds on Earth whether their bodies are elsewhere or exist no more.  WE are here with you as love because we want to show you that this suffering can be alleviated through love.  Even if only for this moment you can know that love is here and therefore everyone you love is here, let it alleviate your pain.  Even if you can find peace in this moment, you have conquered so much because this moment is all of time!  If you find the stillness and the peace here and now, then you have found love because love exists here and now.

Here and now are all of time and all of space, angels.  We know it isn’t easy to know this, but if you can find peace for just his moment, then you have found it forever!  Love is yours to have and hold whenever you say it is.  You command it!  You know your power.  You must know because you are creating your whole world with your power.  You are the God of this world.  This is your creation, our loves, each one.  Each of you is creating the world with your being; just by existing, you have created an entire realm of existence.  Your power is this great, and you know it because you are living it right now in this moment.  Right now, you are aware that this world is your creation and so right now, you know your power for all of time because all of time is occurring in this moment.

Take your power in this moment and use it to soothe your aching longing for those you miss and wish were with you at your side.  The desperate calling and yearning for them is not a mistake; it’s a soul message which can be easily misconstrued as pain when in fact, it’s there as guidance!  The loudest calls from within your soul can feel intense and you can misinterpret them as suffering because of this intensity.  But listen closely and use your power of perception to hear what your soul is really saying!

When you call for the one you love and long for, it’s loud and persistent and going on all day even if you aren’t thinking about it.  It’s there, begging for your attention, but you won’t give it because it hurts to give it attention!  However, when you give it attention, you’ll hear the words.  You believe your being cries, “Be Here With Me!” but what it's really saying is “I Am Here With You!!”  Your beloveds are crying to you, pleading for you to notice, because they ARE with you!  They want you to see that you're wasting your breath and energy yelling into their faces!

Find humour in it and find the joy which is right here with you as love.  Love speaks to you sometimes loudly and sometimes softly, but you’ll get the message one way or another.  We want this moment to help guide you to feeling and finding the message in these inner callings.  Give them attention, angels, and don’t be afraid!  You have messages begging for you to notice, and they’re all to guide you.  Love wants you to know your power and it will speak to you about that until you notice.  We are all love and we are all here together whether there is an outward appearance to prove it.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
