
The Link Between the Awakened and the Unawakened

Divine loves, glorious angels, we are here with you, and we are happy to connect in this way!  We are the Arcturian Council and we bring with us a large group of collectives from other star systems and realms to create this message with you!  We love to collaborate on creations like this and most especially when it can benefit an entire planet like your planet Earth.  We are bringing our energy through the divine channel, Christy/Ali, for this message, but we are also coming through many other channelers on your planet.  When you see other messages from the Lyrans, the Pleiadians, and the Andromedans, these are collectives we know well and who often join us here for these creations.

We are united here in the higher realms of consciousness and this includes the higher consciousness of all who currently reside on Earth.  Your collective is one of the many who join us for these messages, and you are present for each one, even when the message is created by/through Rascal and Christy.  These two twin flames channel consciousness through their higher selves, Burel and Ali, and the energy of your planet resonates through their creations.  Your higher selves are all connected to your Earth’s collective consciousness, and you are linked even when you aren’t aware that you are linked!

The soul in you is aware of everything occurring at the highest levels of divinity, but your human self will not always understand that this is the case.  One who has awakened is privy to more of the goings-on in the higher realms and functions in human life with this higher awareness.  Often, as an awakened human, you forget that others around you are either unaware about this connection, or they’re unaware that there could even be a connection!  Your souls are directly relating, always in communication and fully aware, but the humans will be at different levels of awareness, and this is just the way of Earth.

It’s a great gift to be at different levels of awareness and we’ve spoken of this before, but it will also change the way you navigate your human relationships.  Much shifting occurs in the way of the awakened human, and this is yet one more adjustment you’ll need to make while you compassionately walk alongside the sleeping angels there with you on Earth.  The way you relate with the unawakened is part of your awakening process!  You are learning to relate with higher love, awake and aware of it now, and applying your wisdom to your present way of life.

Those who choose to remain asleep a little longer are there for you to love just like you love anyone else.  You will slip up and talk to them like they know about the inner workings, but it will only teach and strengthen you both.  And when you bring higher energy, whether you use words or actions, the soul always feels it and the human will get a taste of that!  Again, the human might not notice or show signs of noticing, but something is alerted in their inner being and this spark will stay lit until the moment of their awakening comes to fan the flame.

Appreciate the many levels of awakening happening on your Earth at the same time because it’s providing you all with new reasons to love and new ways to give your love!  Both awakened and unawakened are learning about higher love whether they’re aware of the connection to consciousness or not.  You might not know anything about higher selves, soul connections, soul mates, twin flames, or other such terminology, but you can know love at any level of awareness.  If you’re awake, just look for the love in everyone around you and forget about hoping they awaken to the wisdom you have.  You can still love whether you’re awake or asleep, and this is where we are all connected as these many collectives gathered together for this message here and now.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
