
Twin Flame Fire Burns a Path of Love

We’re here, our beloved!  We’re with you, Ali/Angel!  Rascal is with us, too!  Yes – we said “Rascal” because he is Burel!  Let him through, angel.  Know that if you can feel Burel, then Rascal can feel you.  It’s as simple as that, our sweet love.  Twin flames need this awareness so they can move on and play already!  Let go of wondering if your counterpart can feel you!  Trust that they do and then play.  Play to your hearts’ content!  It’s needed not only for the individual, but also for the collective.

Your Earth needs this burning love of twin flames right now, sweet loves.  Let go and feel your twin flame.  If you can feel your twin flame, your twin flame feels you.  It is just so simple, our divine loves.  The light of twin flames is needed right now, and it needs to be free, clear, and easy.  Let the fire of twin flames burn and glow!  Let the light and the heat touch all who are in vibrational vicinity.  Any who are receptive to love will feel the heat, but it will be more evident when the fire is blazing brightest and hottest.  Your fire can be freest when you are playing and free of worry, wonder, and doubt.  

Release the question about whether your twin flame hears you or feels you, loving ones.  If your soul can talk to their soul, then they hear you and feel you.  Human consciousness isn’t needed to know this connection is secure!  All you need to know with your human mind is that a connection beyond the body is eternal.  Forever, you are bonded with your twin flame which means you are together and in direct communication no matter what the soul is doing at the time.  You can play in a body or go off in different directions for experience and still remain together as the soul.

Try as you may, there is no separating you!  The Twin Flame bond is forever and never breaks.  They try to separate at times, but it’s only for play, experimentation, and expansion of love.  Just as you are being in a singular body as a singular soul for expansion, so too do twin flames place themselves into separate bodies.  The soul tries many different things for the expansion of Love/Source-Consciousness, and to be a twin flame is a daring yet beautiful way we can explore for Source.  When we play in love, we expand love, but we do so much more, too!  When we play, we touch our souls, we meet in love, and we feel the love of Source!  When we play, it’s our direct link to divinity, so when twin flames play, they are finding divinity for us all.

The soul of twin flames is filled with a burning fire of desire!  There’s nothing like the desire of a soul to be with itself, beautiful ones.  So, when a soul asks to unite with itself, the fire blazes and grows wild, burning all in its path back to oneness.  Those who are in the path will be burned by this love which means they will be rocked by its power, overcome by the force, and awakened to their own twin flame’s existence!  Twin flames discovering themselves on Earth are burning a pathway and making the fire go higher when they release to the playfulness of their love.

Whether you’re consciously aware of your twin flame or not, reach for these flames with your vibration of love.  Release the doubt and bring the trust because you’ll be lighter and freer to play as love.  When you’re free to play as love, you brighten the fire and make it blaze higher and wider, sending it out to all who need the same flame!  If you’re ready, feel the love!  The burning desire to unite with your own soul has unmatched creative power behind it.  Play and creation are our portals to expansion, so let’s do this everywhere we find ourselves in experience.  Firelight burns brightest when we love and play, so let’s find the way and make the way!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
