
Walk with Pride, Your Highness!

We are here and we are now, our loves!  We are with you in this realm of love where all you know to be true is with you and where you hold only truth without doubt or shifting perception.  The choice to be within the human vessel was your own, and we are all here because we agreed to support your choice.  You agreed to support our choice to remain in the higher realms and love you and guide you.  And so, we find ourselves in this situation and we share in the give and take of this relationship!  You are proud to be human and we are proud to be guides, and in this realm where you know truth, you are fully accessing this wisdom and knowledge.

You are on Earth right now, but you are also here with us as your higher self.  This arrangement lets us play roles while we also stay seated together as Source-Consciousness.  Guides and humans are souls, equivalent and connected as one, here in the higher realm of consciousness where time does not factor in.  We reside in the highest light, and we also take part in the experiences we have designed.  All at once, we are being angels, and we are being the identities in the roles we have chosen to play for and with each other.  And we are proud, and this is what we want to share with you in your moment on Earth!

Dear human, you are mighty and powerful!!  You are kings and queens there on Earth, each being human, and each knowing your royalty within where your higher self speaks through your heart.  Being mighty and powerful does not mean you must be ashamed for the human traits and characteristics you own.  If you need to take medication for a headache, it does not mean you aren’t mighty!  There is nothing shameful about being human, angels.  Be PROUD of it!!  Be bright and shining and proud of being human because your traits are indicative of you, but they are also part of the design you have chosen where these traits can make you feel small.  It’s a choice, sweet loves, to play small and know you are big!

Show yourself your greatness through your pride, our beloved angels.  Take on your role with confidence and without apology to yourself or anyone else.  It’s time to be OK with being who you are in all aspects of consciousness.  Human consciousness and higher consciousness are acting together while you carry out your role.  You are in an experience with time and physicality, and it does not lessen your greatness.  Your experience only enhances your greatness, especially when you take pride in it!  You take pride when you show others the love you have for yourself.  You show your magnificence when you release shame and hold your head high.  Holding your head high means playing your human role with conviction, but it also means to hold your awareness in higher consciousness!  Holding your awareness on Love, sinking into your heart, is to hold your head high.

Walk with pride, glorious angels!  Feel our connection here in the higher realms and know your greatness while you also enact every part of an experience which tends to bring smallness to your awareness.  It’s a choice and it’s a challenge to your magnificence; you are choosing to prove to yourself that you can know your power no matter the circumstance.  You can hold your head high and choose higher awareness in any experience, beloveds.  Your magnificence shines bright when you choose love and pride in your role.  Set the example and share your majesty with your royal family on Earth, your Highness!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
