
Your Evolving Team of Guides

We are here, beloved ones!  We are here in light and in love, the fullest and purest, and perhaps even fuller and purer than you can imagine.  It’s ok, our loves; you don’t need to have an idea how much we love you because we will love you the way we do and we will do it whether you are aware of how much!  We have no shame in loving you.  We have no shame in loving ourselves.  On Earth, you often get the message that it’s wrong to love yourself, and that message only comes to you when you need it.

How the message arrives isn’t as important as what it’s giving you, our loves.  When you change and you begin to love yourself more than you did before, those who knew you before often feel like they don’t know you now!  There is a loss which occurs here because those who know the old version of you aren’t needed in the same way they were needed before.  There is a loss occurring in yourself here too because you don’t know yourself the same way and you don’t need the same things from others anymore.

Loving yourself means losing yourself!  You lose yourself to the music, you lose yourself to the passion, you lose yourself to the gratitude.  You get lost in love when you bring more of it to you, and this is natural and expected.  Being in love with YOU is all new to you, and it changes you!  Your old needs erode and eventually completely dissolve, and you find a new team of support around you!  The old team of support was there to guide you to love yourself, and they were experts in that regard which is what brought you here!  The old team of guidance, whether it was people, lifestyle, pets, or your workplace, is replaced by or transformed into the new team with new support.

Now that you have begun to love yourself, angels, the support around you will transform.  Some old team members will recognize the changes in you, and they’ll evolve with you and adapt to your new needs, becoming new guides with new methods of supporting you.  Other old team members will step back, sweet ones, and this is also a natural part of the awakening process.  There is no loss of love here, but only MORE love to be had as you move forward BECAUSE of those who helped to guide you here!  You have lost your old self, but you have gained more love.

You can only feel gratitude and more love for those who stepped up to help you find your heart, dear ones.  Whether these original guides are still around after your transformation is irrelevant because the support is as needed for the moment, for both you and your team of guides.  Remember that those who fall away and step out of your life are on their own very personal journey with their own team of guides!  You were one of their guides too, and you provided everything they needed in that exchange you shared.

Release shame when it comes to loving yourself and others, our beautiful souls of Earth.  Love is at the heart of it all, and love rules all.  If you love yourself more and someone disapproves, remember they only do so as your loving support.  There is something you’ve missed, and your loving guides just want to point you to it as effectively as they know how.  If it stings and comes across like an insult, then let your strong reaction be your reminder that there is guidance in this – there is love in this.  It might just be that you have overlooked having more pride in your self-love, and it will be your signal to release the guilt or shame which is holding you from that pride.

Whatever it is, it’s guidance and it’s surrounding you in great abundance and in every level of perception you have available.  Your team of guides is carefully hand-picked and it’s constantly growing, evolving and transforming with you.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
