
A Phone Call with Your Guides

Hello, sweet and beautiful Earth Angels!  We are here and we are your guides.  We are many teams of guides, and most of you who are here reading are hearing from your personal guides right now.  You found this message because it found you!  There is something special for each one who reads each message, but this goes for all you encounter there on your world!  Whether the encounter leaves you pleased, dissatisfied, confused, or otherwise, there is something special in it for the moment.  And the encounter could fade away into your memories and seem like it never impacted you at all, but it always does, no matter the significance to you.  Your human psyche might not feel the importance, but your soul deeply knows when it has had a powerful interaction!

You can take any event there in your life’s happenings and put meaning to it on a soul-level, our loves.  Be vigilant and notice your soul’s reactions to your situations because they might directly oppose your thoughts and emotions!  You can go deep into your heart-feelings and tell what your soul feels about any specific circumstance even if it happened in the past.  When you practice this looking from the heart, the opposition in your thoughts and emotions begins to melt.  Soon, your body and human persona will meet with your soul, and they will see eye to eye.  This merging of beings occurs at the physical level, but your soul will come to meet and greet your person as part of itself, too!  You grow into each other through your experience on Earth, and you have guides to help you through this process.

We are all here.  If you want any of us to be your guides, or if you want to be closer with your guides, go to the heart and speak from there!  This is level one, our angels, and it isn’t tricky or daunting.  Your heart is the whole of you, and you have known it since before birth!  There is no reason to be shy about talking to your own heart, and it won’t hurt you to try.  Simply begin by feeling it as if it is more than just an organ.  Be calm and still in your mind and breathing and bring your awareness to the love in your heart.  If there are no words, then feeling is the order of the day.  Feel your heart and talk to it about the love in you and let it respond if it chooses, or let it just feel like love if that’s all that’s going to happen this time.

Your heart is very alive and it’s your being of soul.  Communicate with your soul here in your heart and meet on the same wavelength.  Believe your heart has a consciousness and even treat it as a friend if you aren’t yet aware that it is entirely you!  Ask your heart its name and if it has a message.  Tell it everything you want and use it like a telephone connecting to all of us!  We hear you best through here, sweet ones, so link in and dial us up; it’s a wireless connection and the reception is cordial!

We love you and we are here to communicate with you through your heart.  We are here to support your endeavours and to help you come to terms with your every encounter on Earth; it’s our divine pleasure!  You can share your deepest hopes and dreams and know they are heard, our loves.  We are very interested in everything you have to say, so dial us up.  You know our number.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
