
Have Everything Your Heart Desires

Hello, beloved Earthlings!  We are the guides who come here through the channel of the divine human to reach you there in your physical world which is also a non-physical world in many regards!  In fact, our loves, most of your world is non-physical; the percentage which makes up actual solid matter is so small yet so important to you, and we understand that.  We know that there is a passionate fascination with the physical realm and so we connect with you there!  We’ll meet you where your heart is, and if it’s focused intently on the physical realm, then we will reach you there.

We understand how important your physical reality is to you, and so we will even give ourselves the physical attributes you are familiar with such as names, faces, and personalities.  Where we reside in consciousness, these things aren’t part of our world, but we see that you relate to what inspires your heart, and so we find ways to connect to you through the heart.  You asked and we are here.  You wished for us to come and guide you while you focus on the physical world, and we promised that we’d lead you to the side of it which isn’t physical, so here we are, reaching in and coming to you with physical words through a physical being.  We promise to do our best to steer you to all which is not physical so you may receive what you asked to receive by asking us to be your guides.

Your heart lies with the physical realm and with manifesting physical things within that realm.  However, you also desire to manifest non-physical things!  You want peace, freedom, and love, but because of your captivation with the physical, you look to form to give you the non-physical things you seek.  You believe money, fame, or relationships will bring you the non-physical aspects you desire in life, so you hunt them down.  You might achieve one or many of the physical aspects you desire only to find that the emptiness remains; there is still a longing for something more.

Here we are, angels.  We are non-physical beings, and we hold all of these non-physical attributes you seek.  We have peace, freedom, and love and we want to share them with you!  We want to do our jobs as assigned and guide you to what is contained within your physical being.  You already hold peace, freedom, love, joy, magic, and any other non-physical thing you desire, sweet angels, because through and through, you are an angel-being, you are consciousness, you are non-physical the same as we are.  Access the non-physical through your non-physical self.  Turn your focus now and then from the seductive lure of the physical and find that your inner being can be just as alluring and intoxicating, if not more so!  You have it all there within you, and we’re the guides to show you the way.

Be peace.  Be love.  Be freedom.  Be these essences of self in physical form!  Emulate what your vision of a human with peace, freedom, and love might look and feel like in their actions and attitude.  You might know someone who “has it all”, in your eyes.  Look not with envy but rather with inspiration!  These humans are positioned around you for a reason, and you can emulate anyone who inspires your heart!  These humans also enchant you for a reason, and it isn’t for the car they drive or the number of friends they have; the desire in your being is calling out the reflection in them.  You ask, and the world becomes a mirror.  The heart’s desire is non-physical and manifests as non-physical to reflect that desire!  These beloved role-models are your non-physical guides the same way we are, our loves, and they’re only showing you your heart in their way of being.

Be light and be free in being and in heart.  Accept the high percentage of your reality which is non-physical and let it guide you to your greatest dreams.  You have abundance in the non-physical and between us guides and your human guides, it will become apparent and manifested in your awareness in no time!  Love what you have and find there’s nothing you don’t.  You have it all within you, but you also have the guidance of all the realms to show you how to find it, so you have it made in the shade.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
