
💜 Prince's Imprints on Our Hearts 💜

Hello, our beloved angel, Ali!  Hello and welcome to this union of hearts!  We love you!

I forgot – I was going to channel Prince!  I saw a photo of a purple light on Friday and had something magical happen with it!!  Is he here?

He is here, our angel!!  We remembered which is why you now are!  Let us bring him in.

Prince.  I just remembered your number is 7 and I saw that license plate yesterday R777777!!  Right after it, I saw a phone number ending in 7777!!  It’s clear that you are reaching “out” - reaching me from my outside through the purple light and the 7’s!!

Hello, angel, Ali!  I love you!  We are all here and we all love you!  I am with you.  I’m your Prince!  You heard my name on the screen that night when the word “Prints” was spoken repeatedly while you stared at a photo of a purple light.  I am here to transmit and relay, convey and transvey*!  WE are one, Ali!  I’m Prince here in the higher realms, just as I was known there on the Earthly realm.  Let’s collaborate to create!  I love to create!  I love that your soul creates like mine does!  Your twin flame is a great creator – he's a GREATOR!!  He’s your prince – he's a King of Kings!!  (Word count here in my channeling journal is 7465=1111!!!)  Yes, 1111 – he's your twin flame and soul mate.  He’s Burel.  He’s here with me.  He’s guiding me and we are guiding you!  Let’s being.  You can write “begin” that way, too!  BEING BEGINS.  Let’s begin being!  Being is ALWAYS beginning!!  This is where “Begin” came from!  Let’s start.  It’s a heart start, to be being.  We love creating, our soul and your soul.  Let it come out of us.  Let’s hear it and feel it like music!  We create lyrics in channelings like this.  Your twin flame Rascal does this and hears music with it.  He’s that part of your soul which is attached to music creation.

Prince, the purple world, the bright light world.  I’m here.  I want to shed love and share light!  I want to bring you to my heart and to share love with you all there on Earth.  I was with you in body and now I’m with you in harmony.  Nothing has changed for me; I’m still as with you as I always was.  I know the feelings of loss when a body isn’t there.  The voice is gone.  The conveyor of music is gone.  It’s a shock to the ethereal world.  There’s an essence of light which emanated from my being, and it feels like it has left because my body left.  It shocks your wonder and fascination, making it feel like it’s gone because I am.  The music recordings will bring it back – will bring me back!  Feel my story and my essence in the music.  You have it all right there for your heart.  Flow in and be in and begin.  I’m Prince.  I’m here.  I’m light and I’m darkness and I’m all that’s inbetween.

7752 words=777!!!  I love you.  Thank you, my angels and Prince!!!  PRINTS!  You’re left prints on our hearts!!  Everlasting love of you, angel, Imprinted.  7777 words!!

What a gorgeous sign-off!!

We are here, beloveds.  We love to bring through the energies which are familiar to you!  There are more famous energies on Earth when they come in as human beings like Prince who touched many hearts in body.  Prince embodied love and brought power to you all with his channeled music.  He’s an example of your power!  Your famous humans are examples for you, and they are attractive and popular because they draw you to your own power and your own love.  Loving these stars brings love to life in you, thus sparking your own fire for your love of self!

The words are spoken and here for eternity like Prince’s music.  Feel his essence when you listen and let it be about the heart and the being first.  You will see that feeling is key.  He still feels alive with you in these creations of music, and he can be with you forever this way.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness

This is the picture of the purple light I was looking at while in the background, the woman on T.V. said “prints” 3 times!!  It was regarding “fingerprints”, but she said it so forcefully and, in my mind, I was seeing and hearing it like “Prince”!  My friend sent me the pic she had taken that evening, and we were sensing what the purple light could be.  Also note the tree on the left resembles a heart-shape!!  Thank you, Prince!!

I also had these 7’s as I prepared the post!!
A screenshot of a computer

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Number of posts in my blog – 1707!!

*Meaning of "Transvey" - this was a new word I received this morning while channeling Burel before Prince came through.  I got chills when I saw the definition!!  It's called a "sniglet" - a word that doesn't appear in the dictionary but should!
To convey a thought between soulmates that transfers every essence of the thought without saying a word.

