
The Golden Triangle Head Beings

We are here, our love.  We are the ones whom you meet night after night in dreams, in sleep, as soul, with us on our ships.  You are the one we unite with your beloved Rascal.  We bring you together for energy’s sake.  We want the power of twin flames to IGnite the Earth and thus Unite the Earth!  The power of your fire is an energy flame which sparks the masses to rise from their sleeps.

You aren’t the only pair, but we wish to focus on you two for this channeling.  We bring you twin flames to our ships because the love is a love of unity, quite literally a uniting of a soul, and this is the unity energy which best affects your Earth.  We fly above your planet close enough to allow the sparks to land in close range.  This energy is physicality and so is your planet, so they are enTWINed.

TWINNED energy is entwined with Earth energy.  Your love in close vicinity creates a charge in physicality.  This charge manifests form, and that form is energy.  Energy is freely distributed for all on the planet to receive if they so choose.  Choosing is rather simple because you only need to breathe in love and allow it to permeate your soul.  It’s there in your physical world and it can be invited into your physical form, thus igniting your own spark and sharing in the passion of love for your own soul.

Our angels of Earth.  You walk amongst each other, passing by like strangers on the street, not even aware of your power.  It’s time to awaken to the light cast by each walking soul and to share in that fiery light!  Feel the sparks shed willingly and purposefully by those you pass, and then share your own.  The exchange of love fire is the sharing of light, and light opens the eyes and awakens the soul.

You will join us on our ships, too.  We are prepared to greet you and hold you in our aura of love liquid gold.  Our love is deep and pure like that of your own gold on Earth.  Sparks heat your heart and liquify your love gold, and you melt into unity.  Ignite and Unite, sweet angels.  We reside in your heart.  -The Golden Triangle Head Beings of Andromeda.
