
Topple the Boxes and Give it All to Love

Hello, our bright and beautiful angels!  All of you are beautiful to us!  We see beauty in all things love created and you are one of love’s most beautiful creations, dear humans.  There is no ugliness in consciousness because there is nothing other than love!  There is no polarity or division, and there is no hatred or right or wrong.  We have only love here in consciousness and “here” isn’t somewhere you are not; you are here in consciousness with us!  You know the same even playing field we do when you’re not immersed into the Earth experience.

If you’d like, you can tap into this side of knowing while you carry on as a human, and then you can apply this knowing to your life there on Earth.  If you’d like, you can relieve yourself of the task of categorizing your world into neat boxes and just put it all into one box where no categorization is needed.  Feel the freedom in this release where you don’t need to use any more of your time and energy on filing rights and wrongs into lists.  Not only does it take your time and energy, but it also takes a toll on your body through your emotions.  It’s stressful to make sure you have organized everything into the right box, so eliminate the boxes, and eliminate the stress!

We know it sounds so easy, and it can be.  Fear keeps you holding onto the boxes, but even that box can be abolished.  You don’t need to categorize “that which I’m afraid of” into a box either, angels.  Dump those items into the “Love” box, too!  Take your fears and dowse them in love; put them into that box, and they’ll be drowned out by the noise, weight, and power of love.  Give yourself love for being afraid, and you have just rid yourself of that box.  Fear can always be assigned to love, and love will take care of it.  It is ok to be afraid because it is part of your experience, and your experience is only love.

If your experience is only love, then begin naming it all “love” and watch your boxes topple and crumble.  Your time and energy will be taken up by this project, and you will no longer need it for assigning and filing.  Release the organizing and release the stress.  Giving it all to love takes the stress away.  Love is the remedy, and there’s nothing which doesn’t fit into its box.  In fact, love has no box because it’s everything!  It has no parameters; it has no sides!  It’s like the saying, angels – if you love it, set it free.  Or, in this case, give it to love and set it free!  Let it out into the open to breathe and get out of its box.  Bring your energy back; give yourself to love, too.  Free it all and free yourself!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
