
Humanity Has Reached a New Level of Awakening

Hello to all!  We welcome you into our energy in this moment and we hold you here in love and honor as we connect.
There is much celebration happening here in our dimensions where we have a broader and more cohesive view of the goings-on on planet Earth.  We read the planet not from the ground-level where physical actions are playing out in the roles the souls have taken on, but we read it from a vibration and frequency standard.  We feel the resonance coming in and we detect an upswing and increase in the overall vibration like none we have felt before.
This level you have collectively reached is allowing for the opening of hearts to be much more rapid and widespread.  Those who have been giving the most focus to their own inner love and the clearing of everything from within, which is not of the highest love, have tipped the scales now past any point of return.  The love is so heavy and pouring out like flood waters without a dam.  The force is tremendous and ferocious, without any chance of stopping or slowing.
Let this encourage you to keep going.  If you feel any moments of emotions, any emotions on either side of the spectrum, just do as you’ve learned and let them wash through.  See them like the flood waters and know that the force is one to be reckoned with.  They must be allowed through because they’re part of this flood of love you’ve created together.  The force is so great and it’s moving through whether you fight it or not.  So, allow and feel until you know the flood is fully finished.
With great surges like this, old energy must be washed away to make room for the new.  The process is natural and uncomplicated, so whatever you feel is just part of it and it doesn’t need analysis.  Use the skills you’ve gained to trust and allow and the expulsion of emotions will be cathartic.  You don’t need to have pain anymore and you don’t need to hold onto anything dense.  It is leaving and it can’t be held like it once could because the vibrational state you’re in will not allow it.
Enjoy the new energies flooding in, loving ones.  We love you and we’re with you as you shift and release and allow all of the movement happening now.
-I, Source-Consciousness
