
We Are Your Guides

Welcome!  We are here and we are with you!  There is never a separation between us and there never has been.  You will have moments of doubt where you wonder whether we really are with you as we say we are, but turn to your knowing and look at your signs, the ones you’ve come to know so well!  Our companion, Christy, likes 52 and she just opened her eyes then to see it on the clock... again!  We have ways of signaling to you and letting you know that we’re not far away if you need to talk.  And please do.  Please choose any collective, or angel, or being. Choose any one or all of us at once, and use your excitement about the signals to connect to us.  Feel the awe and magic of it as you open up and say, “Are you really real?  Are you here with me?”  And then just share whatever you feel like sharing.  We are listening, always, because we are with you, always. 


This bond we have with you, the human collective of souls, runs deep and goes back to your time’s beginning.  When you decided to play inside the game of time, we agreed to sit next to you and encourage you forward when things got heavy and dark for you.  We were there with our signals like we are now, and some could detect us without knowing what they were detecting.  But these ones felt the inspiration and motivation to keep moving through the time-scale because the hope and possibility grew in their hearts and they allowed that to be their fuel.  These ones were all of you, sweet souls.  You were wearing different human-suits, but you were all there at the beginning, and so were we. 


So, now we ask that you open up to the chance that everything we say could be true and use your heart’s discernment to find the answer.  Do your feelings say that the guides in non-physical form were always with you?  Could it be that consciousness is invisible, but still real?  Your thoughts don’t have physical form, and yet you know they exist.  You have no evidence other than your own power of conviction to tell you, unequivocally, that you are having thoughts.  Thought is consciousness and we are consciousness, so then here’s some logic for your mind which you can also verify with your heart!  The feelings of love coming in from us are also categorically real and true to you, so let these be your evidence, angel-friends.  We are not so different!  We think, you think.  We are, you are.  We love, you love. 


Let’s get more acquainted and let’s have some fun together! We want to be with you when you create and let go of the seriousness of it all. We want to be with you when you have questions and when you step into your power and majesty as the Creator of your reality. Let’s do this together and let’s cheer each other on. This is what we came for and it’s why we’re doing this dance of shifting upwards in consciousness. We’re your support team, and you are ours. We give each other purpose and the excitement to go on. We’re your guides and whatever you need, we want to be here for you to help you receive. 


We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness 
