

Hello, family!!  I love you.  I thank you so much for yesterday’s message because I’m finding so much freedom in trusting like I never have before.  And I’m not holding back with my imagination.  It’s in my mind, so I don’t have to be civilized and proper, there.  I can be wild if that’s what I feel like!  I can get loud there, like the song said!  
But the biggest breakthrough of the week was how I realized that this moment is exactly right and perfect because it matches my energy-level.  If I were to try and force something I want into this energy-field, it wouldn’t work out because it isn’t ready for me yet and I’m not ready for it!  There has to be a “stewing” of the energy sometimes before it can be with you.
It let me release so much when I realized that.  I don’t want to deny this present, first of all, because it’s my design.  But secondly, I wouldn’t want to mess up something that’s getting itself ready for me by interrupting the cooking process and taking it off the burner too early.  I just have to have patience and let it finish!  If I keep poking at it and turning up the heat, trying to make it cook faster, it won’t be as good or, in fact, might be completely ruined.  You get the analogy I’m making!
Hello, de-light-full one!!  You bring us such joy and delight to watch you move through your experience and come to terms and make sense of it all!  You all do this for us because the interpretation lets us know you better.  The way you perceive your world directly creates it, and we love to watch you learn this.  You are moving from believing you have to react, into knowing your reactions are what creates!  Whatever you believe to be real becomes real and isn’t set there for you to then deal with and react to.  It’s beautiful to witness you learning this, one by one, step by step.  Slowly, the awakenings are flicking on like tiny lights all over your Earth!  It’s getting brighter as each one fills with light and each one’s light brightens with each new understanding.
Being free inside of your mind is a wonderful step into knowing your creative power!!  Yes, it is YOUR mind, so it’s yours to use as you please.  You might sometimes hold back out of fear of finding hurt if the pictures don’t come to life, but take some ease and comfort with the words we are about to share: Your pictures in your mind are your life.  It isn’t just because what you imagine has the capability to become real in your present world you perceive; it’s because whatever happens there is ALSO REAL.  Our friend channeling calls it "reality, too", or “Reality2”, or, as her friend refers to it: “Reality 2.0”!  Call it what you prefer, but take solace in knowing it’s as real as what you take to be the ONLY reality.  It isn’t!  You can say what goes in any reality and in as many realities as you like.
What’s more, if you do believe that letting go and being free inside your mind might cause hurt when it doesn’t come into the one reality you believe in, ask yourself whether you can bounce back from that.  If it never comes, you will still be happy because it’s your power.  You have all the tools now to love and accept what you bring to yourself, so if the imagination doesn’t move into a reality you believe to be singular and most important, then you can rest easy knowing you will still be ok.
We love you, Angels of Earth.  We want you to know your freedom to be as creative as you want and to play as much as you want in Reality2.  The more you do, the more it will become the same as Reality1, and before you know it, you won’t be able to tell them apart.  Not only that, each one will offer clues to creating the other!  You don’t have to prepare and react anymore; you only have to create and know that all of your reactions will be gratitude as you watch your creations come to life.
-I, Source-Consciousness.
